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"Get in the car! What are you doing?"

"No, not until you tell me what is going on!" I turned to face him on the opposite of the car.

I rush to fold my arms so that he wouldn't see my hands shaking. I couldn't afford him trying to show pity towards me due to me lacking self control over my own body. He looked at me with sincere and concern. I couldn't tell if he was worried about me apart from him being frustrated. Every minute I was wasting here making eye contact with him, was a minute I could've been at home doing something useful. I could hear my heart raced against my breath as I tried to gain focus. I still couldn't figure out why he was lying about shit. It just didn't make any sense.

I rolled my eyes as a sign of defeat because I already knew that he wasn't going to tell me. This was all just a mistake that I shouldn't have did. I shared my first kiss with someone who didn't even share the sympathy or concern to even tell me the truth. As I snapped out of my thoughts I notice that he was still staring at me. I sucked in a breath as I looked away and got in the car. *why did I let this asshole convince me in coming with him? Ughhh I'm such an idiot! I mumble as I rested my head against the window and watch as he got in.

The whole car ride was awkward, nobody was talking and no music was playing. All you can hear is the car wheels gripping the road as we passed. I listen to the wind as it came through the crack in the window. I wanted to ask him if he can roll up his window due to it being chilly but, I didn't want to have an argument about it. I was too much in my pride anyways to even speak to him. That's one thing me and my dad had in common, our stubbornness and pride. I can feel his burning stares but I refused to respond to them so, I just continue watching the road. I watched as he reached over to turn up the music as he looked over a me. My dumbass tried to look away but got caught up. *UGHH!!! Why did I look! I was doing so good until my stupid ass look!

"Any preferences?" He question with a smirk.

-silence response back-

"Cool I can do silence know you ain't the only one who knows this game."

-no response-

"Ight bet. So since I'm doing all the talking, I say we go grab so-"

"-no I'm good, I just want to go home." I interrupted.

"She speaks!" He says while throwing his hands up.

"Hahah..very funny. Now can I just go home, I'm really tired." *I just want to be away from you as far as possible!

"Ouch!" He mumble underneath his breath as his grip on the wheel got tighter, "Do you not like me?"

"W-what?" I stutter.

"Forget it, I'm fist to take you home." *what?

After, he just stopped talking completely. No eye contact, no smart comments, no shade, just nothing. I leaned back in the seat as I continue to stare at him. He was so quiet and I know I just met him but it didn't seem like he was okay. I tried to touch him but, he moved away quickly.
*What the hell? What did I do to make you mad at me?
Eventually we pulled up in my drive way and I was getting ready to get out but, he grabbed my wrist. We made straight eye-contact until his lips came crashing down on mines. His eyes were like heaven but his lips were like a sin. I couldn't bare it and I could feel this spark flow through my body as he pulled me closer to him, then suddenly it all stopped. We were inches apart and it was like I could feel him. He cupped my cheek as he leaned in to give me another kiss but, was stopped when my mother came rushing out the house yelling my name. *Dammit!

"AALIYAH!!!.....AALIYAH!!!!.......Aaliyah!! You are in so much trouble, young lady you hear me! Big trouble! GET YOUR ASS IN THE HOUSE! IMMEDIATELY?!!"

"Okay mother I'm coming!" I dragged as I got out the car, while my mom waited for me on the porch.


"Yea..." I turned to Tobias.

"Forget it.... sorry for the trouble." I smiled back.

I watched as he smiled and wave before he exit the driveway and left. Meanwhile I was debating with myself if I should run or turn towards my mother. I knew if I was ran and came back later I would be in more trouble but, if I turn around I'll have to face the consequences early. I could feel a panic attack arising as my feet remained glued to the concrete underneath. *why did I have to come back here?! I bit down on my bottom lip as I slowly turned around to face my mom. She shot me a concerning look as she folded her arms. I shot her back a smile but she didn't budge. *Rest in peace me! Cause this is going to be a long night....

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