Real Man (Polysworld)

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Greetings and salutations! I hope your doing well. Anyway, I've been dying to do a Trans! one shot forever. So here we go!

Pt. 2 of "what if we got married? " Coming soon! Dw! I've just had this idea for a really long time uwu

I decided to try writing from 1st person since I don't usually!

And it is kinda angsty?? Idk Matty hates himself and is really sad the entire time qwq

Curse warning frens, also internalized transphobia


Today was bad before I even got out of bed. I already knew it would be terrible.

I woke up to see blood on my bed. "Fuck! " I yelled as I jumped up. Thank whatever higher power I didn't sleep with Edd like he had wanted to.

I looked down to see blood on my pants. "Shit shit shit! " I muttered.

I'm on my fucking period.


I rushed over to my dresser and out on a pad. How the hell could I let this happen?! Now all of them are going to know.

I teared up. 'They're going to know your not a real man. 'I thought.

'Never mind that. ' I shook off the thought. 'I need to get rid of theses pants. And get the blood off my bed. '

I continued to cry as I changed my pants, throwing the old ones in a bag. 'I'll figure out where to but these later... ' I thought, running down to the laundry room to get the stain out of my sheets.

I worked as hard as j could, quick as I could. As it was 'that time of the month' again, I was super emotional. Crying the whole time.

My dysphoria was giving me the worst of it, telling me I'd never be a real man. I was bawling.

Eventually I calmed myself down. My sheets were done. I ran upstairs and made my bed, changing my pad, and throwing it in the bag with my pants.

I went down stairs and threw it away in the kitchen.


I was really down all day. Stupid hormones. If course, since I'm usually peppy, everyone noticed.

The first to ask was Edd.

"Hey, Matt, you ok? " He asked, grabbing my arm. "You've been really down... Do I smell blood? " He asked once more.

"No! I'm fine! Nothing wrong! " I said. "Welp! Gotta go! " I ran to my room, crying some more as I slammed and locked the door behind me.

Next was Tord.

Tord knew there was something off about his Ginger boyfriend.

"Matthew, what's wrong? " He asked, me, coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my nid section.

I started shaking. "Nothing! I'm fine! Completely fine! " I said, trying to stop shaking. Tord shifted.

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