"What if we got married?" pt. 1 (saloonatics! ToMatt)

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Gettin used to using quotes as titles, me likies. Hehehehehehehe! Ok. So. Yes. I love this. Saloonatics is just- KSJDNSNA MY HEART. I'm sorry if this is a caboodle of nonsense. No I'm not. without further Adu, let's begin!


Thompson was lucky. He had a home, be it small, it was still a roof over his head. He had food on his plate, be it not a lot, it was food. He had clothes, they may be old but, hey, he had clothes. He had a wonderful job with his dear friend Edward. He didn't make much pay but hey, he had enough to live.

He was always an optimist. He made sure the first thing his mind would go to was something good. He lived for it.

But there was one thing he would never be optimistic about.


Oh, how he hated it. With a burning passion. He hated how amazing it made him feel, but he could never act upon it. Only when drunk would he have an excuse to do anything about his feelings.

This had happened a few times, and had only been successful once.

With Matthew.

It hurt him even more to know one day he would be betrothed. His family would never know of their cuddles, their 'dates', their love.

No one would. No one could. That really affected Thompson. He would never be able to tell people of the love he had for Matthew. Same for Matthew, it urked him that he would never be able to discuss his love for the sherrif. Thompson knew this.

But Matthew didn't want to believe this.

He knew it, yes. But he couldn't get over it. He didn't want it to be true. He wouldn't let it be true. He would find a way to marry Thom, just you wait and see.

He would do anything to marry Thom, even step down as prince. He loved him with all his heart.

'And so', he thought to himself,' how could we get married? Surely this isn't possible? '

'I love him. Isn't that all that matters? Maybe... 'His thoughts wandered. 'If I talked to my parents, maybe... ? 'He thought, his hopes getting up just a tiny bit.

He had so much hope, he thought maybe. Just maybe he would be able to get them to say yes.

Maybe, if he was very lucky, he could marry Thompson.

He was so optimistic about it, too. Unlike Tom, he would love thinking about, well, love. He was upset that he may never marry Thompson, but he could try.

And try he did.


He had done it. He had confessed everything to his parents. His love for Thompson, the nights they had spent together, everything.

It was all out in the open.

He felt extremely vulnerable at the moment. How could he not? He had literally just put his and Thompsons' lives on the line.

His parents had a look of disgust. They looked at him like he was a vile piece of filth. Hatred does not even begin to express the look in their eyes toward their son.

He began to fear he would lose his life, when his mother pittied him.

"Harold, I believe if our son is in love, we should let him marry this.... Thompson. He did help Edward save Matthew, after all. We owe him our lives for this. I believe that this would be the least we could do for them. " He said finally.

Her husband narrowed his eyes. "Fine." He said after a few minutes of silence. "But I believe that we should be able to judge this... Thompson before we agree to this marriage. "

Matthew was ecstatic. Ye had probably never been so happy. "Yes, of course. Thank you mother, thank you father. " He said, trying to keep his composer. He bowed respectfully and rushed out to tell Thompson.

He had done it. They were getting married.


"So yer 'tellin me, 'tha yer 'parnts ain't 'gon kill us, but 'r gonna let us get married? " Thompson said, tripping over his words slightly, extremely excited.

"Yes! They just want a proper meeting with you first, and then we're all set to be married! Legally married! " He exclaimed.

Thompson looked ecstatic. " This ain't some kinda joke, 'raht?" He said, tears threatened to spill due to how extremely he felt about this.

"No no no! I would never joke of something so amazing! " The prince said pulling Thompson into his arms. "I love you, Thompson. Why would I joke of this? "

Thompson wrapped his arms around the prince, face in his chest as tears of happiness spilled.

" 'Ah love you too. "


776 words


I have to break this into a few parts, part 2 will be their meeting of the parents. This was gonna be really long otherwise lmao

Hope you enjoyed!


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