"T- Thom...?" (Saloonatics! EdThom)

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Woooooo boy do I love fluff. And not crying. Both of which are the opposite of this oneshot! Bro I actually almost started crying before writing this because ya girl hates angst. But. This idea was to good to not write. So, let us begin.

Curse warning. Almost character death. Homophobia. Yea this one has all the bad stuffs.


Thompson love Edward. There's nothing more to say. He would do anything for Ed, even die for him.

And that's what he had to do. Unfortunately, word had got out about Thompson and the detectives' relationship. How, Thompson had no idea.

And so, here he was, laying with a sleeping Ed for the last time. He hoped some miracle would come by and save him.

Of course, Matthew didn't know yet. He was supposed to come with to deliver the charges before Thompson would be shot. Right in front of Ed. Maybe, just maybe because he and Ed saved Matthew, he would take pity on Thom.

And then there was Ed.

Ed didn't know either. There was no way Thom would tell him. He just wanted to enjoy his last few moments with him. He didn't want Ed freaking out.

He looked at his pocket watch. Nearly time.

He shook Ed slightly. " 'M darlin, 's time to get up. "His voice shook slightly.

Ed yawned. " What- what time is it? "He asked, stretching and yawning. He looked at Thom somewhat curiously, for having just woken.

" 'S 6."

"Thom, that's much to early! " He laughed, starting to get up. "Ok, ok. Early start to the d-" He was cut off by Thom pulling him back, kissing him. He could swear he was... Crying?

Of course he kissed back, asking "T- Thom...? What's wrong? " When he pulled away.

Thom held Ed in his arms. " 'Ah- 'Ah love ya, Eddy. 'Don ever think 'otha wise. "He said, holding Ed tightly.

" I know that Th-" He was cut off by a furious knock, and then the door swinging open. "Sweet Jesus! " Ed jumped up.

It was the police.

"I- i- it's not w- what it looks l- like! " He stuttered out. The policemen advanced on Thompson. "Wait, what are you...? " He trailed off.

"Thompson, what's going on?! " Thom hadn't said a word. He looked up at Ed as they pulled him off the bed, tying his hands. A few tears ran down his cheeks. " 'S alright. 'S gonna be ok. "He mumbled to Ed.

" What is going on?! "Ed yelled. " What are you doing to my partner?!" He went to go to Thompson, but they held him back. "S- stop! " He yelled, tears beginning to run down his face.

All the while, Thom was consoling him, saying things like " 'Sall gonna be ok" And " 'Don worry. It'll be over soon. ".

" Any last words? Requests? " A man asked Thompson. " 'Jus let me say 'gbye to Ed. " The men in front of him let Ed go. He scurried over to Thom.

"Thom?! What's happening?? Thom! T- " He was cut off by Thom putting a hand on his cheek. He was so confused. It had all happened so quickly, he didn't know if it was truly happening or if it was still a dream. "They- they found out. " He smiled, sadly. "It was 'ther 'gon be ya or- or me. 'Ah- " He wiped a tear from Ed's cheek. " 'Ah couldn't let them take ya. "

"No no no! Where's Matthew?! " He looked up, and demanded. "Outside. He'll be in soon. " One of the officers said. As if on cue, Matthew walked in. "That's funny, " He said, not looking up for a moment. "This looks like Ed and Thom's hou-" He stopped, looking up. "Oh dear. "

"Matthew! " Ed jumped up. "Please! Tell them not to kill Thom! " He begged, tears filling his eyes. "Please... You have to. Please, Matthew... " He pleaded, starting to sob.

"Of course! We can't kill them. They saved my life! " Said the prince. "They should get a pass. Release Thom at once. " The prince said, angrily.

The officers looked confused. "Didn't you order him to be killed? " One of them finally spoke up.

"W- well yes, but I didn't know it was Thompson! If I had known I would never have ordered that! " He stammered out.

Ed looked slightly upset at this but didn't say a word. He knew better. "Realise him. Now. " Matthew ordered.

The officers tentatively untied him. When he was free, Edward basically pounaced on him, tacking him into a hug so hard.

"Don't you ever fucking scare me like that again. " He whispered. Thompson put his arms around Ed. " 'Ah'll try. "


Of course, now that this had happened, rumors quickly spred. Each worse than the last.

Their employment got the real story. He was disgusted. He made sure to mock them real good before he fired them.

So they were employed by Matthew. His personal detectives.

It was a pretty laid-back job. Most of the time they didn't even do anything. And they got to live in the castle!

They were able to dance with each other at balls, and partys, and other things you may do at a castle.

Everyone knew.

But unlike the common folk, no one cared.

And they were so grateful for that.


876 words

I- I started crying ಥ‿ಥ

This idea originally had Thompson die, but not in the way you expect. I may write this over, doing a 2.0 type thing so I can get that one out there too.

Little author's note: when Edward said "Partner" He ment detective partner. Ok thats really all-

Not much more to say. So, bye! See you soon! 👋


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