I don't know about him but...I really worked up an appetite. I'm so hungry I could eat an entire house.

His eyes watch my every movement. Not in a creepy or threatening way, but in a lust-filled way. He wants me and he wants me to know that he does.


After breakfast, he took me out onto the patio to look at the backyard. The first thing my eyes landed on was the large in-ground swimming pool. I walk up to the pool and dip my toes in. The water is surprisingly warm for a gloomy day.

"It's heated," he says. "That's why it's so warm."

I nod and direct my attention to Max, who is running freely through the yard. Something tells me that if he was given the chance, he would take off into the woods without so much as a glance back.

"He likes my kid," Alex interrupts my thoughts. And begins to tell me how he ended up with Max. It was a sad story, but ended with them both being happy.


"I can tell you love him," I say. You can hear it in his voice. "He definitely loves you too. That's for sure."

He sighs, "One day I hope to have someone love me as much as he does." I'm shocked by his words. Not scared. Just shocked. I never met a man so open about his feelings before.

I wait to see if he cowers away— realize that what he just said was a mistake, but he doesn't. He just stands the with his eyes set on Max, playing with his stick in the yard.

I could actually see myself loving this man.

"What's not to love?" I find myself saying. His eyes came to mine as he studied my face.

"You know...I was just thinking the same thing about you."

I swear my heart stopped beating for a second. He just said he could love me.

"I know this might be a bit sudden and all. But I was wondering if you would...if you would like to give us a try and be my girlfriend?"

This is not what I expected to hear.

My lips twitch at the corners and before I knew it I was smiling from ear to ear. "I would love to be your girlfriend."

He crashes his lips to mine and sweeps me off my feet. His tongue begs me to let him in and I do. It wastes little time devouring my mouth.

The sound of a doorbell ringing forces us to pull apart. Max here's it to and begins barking as he barrels towards the patio door.

"I'll be right back," he kisses me once more. I love the way his lips feel against mine. "Don't go anywhere."

I take a seat in the lounge chair and close my eyes. It's been a long time since I've had a boyfriend, I almost forget what it's like.

I hear Max's feet scratching at the patio surface and open my eyes to see him staring at me, wagging his tail. He nudges my arm with his nose and I laugh, giving him a scratch behind his ear.

"You're such a good boy, Max." He really is. "Fetch the stick boy, fetch the stick."

Max runs through the yard in search of his stick. When he finds it, he comes running back to me, dropping it on the ground in front of me. I picked it up and threw it as far as I could.

Pretty impressive if you ask me.

We play for a few more minutes before Alex returns. A deep frown covers his features.

"What's wrong?" I ask, not bothering to hide my concern.

He scratches the back of his neck and shoulders and sighs, "My brother, Nick, and my best friend, Marco are here and they want to meet you. I...I tried to get them to go away...but they aren't having it..." he trails off.

I couldn't help but feel a little hurt by this. Does he not want me to meet them?

I wrap my arms around my body, feeling a little insecure. "Are...are you embarrassed by me or something?" I whisper.

His eyes widen in horror and in seconds he is standing in front of me. His hands rub my arms soothingly. "Of course not," he says. "Why on earth would you ever think that?"

"Because you don't want me to meet them."

He chuckles softly, "The only reason I didn't want you to meet them right now— is because I don't want them to scare you away."

Awe! He thinks he has to protect me.

"I think I can handle them," I tell him truthfully. "Have you met my best friend?" I chuckle. If I could deal with her on a daily basis, I could deal with anyone.

He laughs. "You have a point. But there is one other reason," he says taking a step closer. "You're only wearing one of my T-shirts."

I glance down at the oversized T-shirt and blush. I guess this really isn't appropriate to meet people in.

"I have them waiting on the front porch," he tells informs me.

I give him a sweet kiss and make a dash for his room. I find my clothes neatly folded on the chair beside the bed. The fresh smell of Gain hits my nostrils. He must have washed them because I don't use Gain.

After I got dressed, I walked into the bathroom that was inside his room to finish getting ready. I wash my face and hands and pull my hair up in a bun. When I was satisfied with my look, I made my way down the stairs.

I couldn't help but feel a little nervous though. What if they don't like me? What if they tell him to break up with me?

I feel sick, absolutely sick.

I can hear voices coming from the living room and stop. I take a few deep breaths before walking into the living room.

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