"That's very clever" Olaf commented. "Although it does make me wonder why they don't just make the whole ship waterproof"

The girls searched high and low all around the ship, looking for the capsule. 

"Here!" Anna then said as she had found it. 

The others all gathered around while Anna opened the capsule and took out a rolled up piece of paper. 

The gang all looked with awe as they had discovered a hidden message on the sheet of paper. 

"What language is this?" Anna asked her sister. 

"I don't know" Elsa replied. "But look, this is mother's handwriting" she pointed out. 

"What does it say?" Teeders asked the sisters. 

Anna began reading the message. "The end of the ice age, the river found but lost. Magic's source..."

"Elsa's source?" The adventure girls questioned.

"Hey, guys, look at this" Ann then found another sheet of paper in the capsule and took it out, laying it out across the floor. 

"It's a map" They all realized. 

Anna began checking the route on the map their parents took. "They traveled north, and planned to cross the Dark Sea to..."

Anna paused for a moment, along with everyone else once they saw what had been written on the map... The river of memories...

"Do you guys realize what this means?..." Kali spoke first, telling the gang. 

"Ahtohallan..." Elsa said, sounding greatly surprised. 

"It's real?" Anna asked as she couldn't believe it. 

"Ahtoho what?" Olaf questioned in confusion. 

"Atohallan" Anna told Olaf, explaining. "It's a magical river said to hold all the answers about the past"

"Reinforcing my water has a memory theory" The intelligent snowman stated. 

"Okay, we get it" Cynthia told Olaf, tired of hearing that whole water has memory theory over and over again. 

"Water has memory..." Elsa then remembered.  

Elsa came down to the ground and placed her hands on the floor, using her powers to bring back all the water out from within the ship. 

"Elsa?..." Anna and the adventure girls looked to the ice queen, wondering what she was trying to do. 

"I wanna know what happened to them" Elsa said, referring to their parents. 

The gang watched as a new ice sculpture was soon formed, revealing King Agnarr and Queen Iduna. Anna and Elsa looked so terrified and hopeless, watching their poor parents meet their fate.

Elsa, feeling overwhelmed, suddenly burst into tears and left the ship. 

"Elsa!" Anna went after her sister, while the others all frowned upon what they had just witnessed and felt sorry for the royal sisters. 

Elsa came out of the ship and started crying. 

Anna came up to her sister, trying to comfort her. "Hey, what are you doing?"

"This is my fault" Elsa cried, while the others had now come out to hear her say. "They were looking for answers about me"

"You are not responsible for their choices, Elsa" Anna told her sister calmly. 

The Adventure Kids Get Frozen AgainWhere stories live. Discover now