"This isn't Ari's magic!" Kali and the others said, realizing that this was a different kind of fire. 

"Stay calm! Evacuate to higher ground!" Garator told everyone, leading and helping them all evacuate.  

"Quick! Head for the river!" An Arendellian soldier informed everyone. 

Everyone ran for their lives while Elsa stayed, chasing after the fire spirit. 

A group of Northuldra reindeer were spooked and ran off in another direction. 

"No, no, no! The reindeer!" A young Northuldra man cried. "That's a dead end!" 

"Come on Sven!" Kristoff told his reindeer, hopping onto Sven's back and going off to rescue the reindeer. "We'll get them!" 

Elsa kept trying her hardest to put the fire out and keep it from spreading. 

"Get it, Elsa!" Kali called out, encouraging the ice queen before she and the others continued running to safety. 

Anna however looked back and gasped in fear, seeing her sister battling with the fire spirit and struggling at it. 

"Elsa, get out of there!" Anna cried out of fear. But Elsa didn't hear her. 

Anna rushed back into the fire to try and help her sister. 

"Anna!" The adventure kids saw this and tried to follow her but ended up trapped as their escape route was cut off. 

Anna struggled to get to Elsa, as the smoke was making it hard for her to breathe. Kristoff and Sven had gotten the reindeer back to safety before they spotted Anna. 

"Anna!" Kristoff cried out in fear, seeing the love of his life in great danger. 

Hearing Kristoff cry out Anna's name made Elsa turn and gasp, seeing her sister plus the adventure kids trapped in the fire. She immediately blasted out a large sheet of ice which put the fire out around them, saving their lives. 

Kristoff then came in on Sven, quickly scooping Anna up and rode away while the adventure kids followed behind. 

"Get her out of here!" Elsa told Kristoff, sounding exhausted as she couldn't protect her sister. 

"No! Elsa!" Anna cried out, while she rode away with Kristoff on Sven. 

The fire spirit then ran past Elsa again. Elsa glared as she continued chasing after this fiery threat. She chased it all the way into the Northuldras' village. But once she had it cornered, Elsa realized the fire spirit was not at all what she expected it to be...

The adventure kids and others soon came out to see the fire had strangely stopped. Once they found Elsa, they were surprised to discover she had tamed a little salamander that was now in her hands, enjoying her flurry of snowflakes she gave to him. 

This little guy... was the fire spirit?

"They're all looking at us, aren't they?" Elsa said to the salamander, knowing that the Northuldra, Arendellian soldiers and others had all gathered behind them. 

"Got any advice?" Elsa asked her new friend. 

The cute little salamander only looked up at her, smiling. 

"Nothing?" Elsa said. 

The salamander then licked his eyeball. 

"Hmm, should I know what that means?" Elsa asked, smiling at the salamander. 

The adventure kids then came over. "Who's your new friend, Elsa?" they asked the ice queen.

"Hm.... Bruni" Elsa replied, naming the fire spirit. 

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