The second room wasn't so bad, it was fairly easy to clean since my scent was as strong, but it was a bit annoying to have Beck laying in bed watching me work and refusing to move so I could spray the blankets down. In the end I just sprayed him and the blankets together and moved onto the next room with a smug smirk as Beck spat out hissed curses behind me. I told the boy to move and he didn't listen, he might be sweet with cake but that didn't mean I'd put up with his stupidity, besides the spray wasn't toxic, he'd live. When I walked into the alpha boys room Simon and Tucker were playing cards with Bowen and Colton, but the strong sickly sweetness of my heat scent was so strong that I had to hold back a gag.

 "Ugh, the place reeks to me even and yet you guys decide to play a good calm game of cards, I can't tell if you've completely lost your sense of smell or if you're just plain masochistic right now." I hissed through my teeth as they stared back at me in question. "What do you mean Sid?" Colton voiced with a gentle curiosity. "Simple. When it comes to the scent of my heat I find it sickening and just can't stand it, and I know it's worse for you, so why play cards in here instead of somewhere that doesn't stink to high heaven?" This time I did gag as I held up a pillow in disdain, it was Bowen's and a fogginess clouded my mind as I wondered why my scent was so terribly strong on it. "We don't mind the scent that much, and we've kind of gotten used to it I guess." Bowen murmured as his eyes focused in on the bject of disgust I was currently holding. 

"What did I do to this thing?" I wrinkled my nose as I held the pillow out, pinched between two of my fingers as I voiced the question to them. They suddenly were very interested in the cards they were holding and none of them seemed to want to meet my gaze, not to mention the distinct flush to all their faces. "Uh..." Tucker started to choke out an embarrassed excuse but I halted him. "On second thought, I don't want to know." I frowned as I sprayed the pillow down heavily until my scent was no longer noticeable. "What is that stuff anyway?" Simon quizzed as I sprayed down the beds, having tossed the stink free pillow at a startled Bowen.

 "It's sort of a heat stink be gone you could say, kills my scent and cleans up any evidence that I was ever in heat here." I stated with a shrug. "And you didn't think to let us use that beforehand?" Tucker pouted out, and I scoffed as I continued cleaning. "It wouldn't have been any use with the scent still rolling off me in such strong waves, it only works on the scent left behind not the current stench. So why give you the clean up junk when there was no use cleaning until the worst of it was over?" I hummed back. "Good point." Colton agreed with a nod as I grabbed my bag from the floor, ready to move on to the hallway and bathrooms. 

"Exactly, now if you'll excuse me someone has to get rid of the stink around here. Oh, and Goldy Locks has the winning hand!" I called teasingly behind me as I left the room to their groans. "Sid, now I can't cheat them out of a prize winning little bet!" Tucker's complaint followed me out of the room as I snickered to myself, time to get back to work. By the time the upstairs was finished the boys had finished another round of cards and called it quits as they followed me downstairs where the others were waiting. I cleaned the living room and the boys moved when I asked them to, Beck stayed far from me and my spray bottle after his last little mishap of destinkification, now all that was left was the kitchen and dining area.



Watching Sidney was away the delicious scent of her throughout the house was kind of disappointing but nobody was complaining about actually watching her clean. It was better than the stupid sports game playing on TV, whether she knew it or not all our eyes were on her. She was still only wearing Beck's shirt and that left us a great view of her legs and how easily the shirt rode higher if she bent over to clean a spot of her scent, the whole thing was mesmerizing. "Finally one left and then I can shower off the rest of the reek before lunch." She murmured softly as she headed for the kitchen, we watched her leave the room and a second later her alarm scattered through the link. 

"Crap, the counter top." Gavin hissed out, but we were already rushing into the kitchen to make sure everything was alright, and she turned an accusatory glare on all of us, stopping us in our tracks. "What the h*** happened in here?!" She snapped out roughly her glaring passing over everyone and I couldn't help grinning, she couldn't remember and it seemed like the perfect time to have a little fun. "Well if you want I'd be more than happy to reenact that fun little moment with you Gorgeous, it was certainly great for me and you seemed to enjoy it too." I purred out and her features turned to horror as the panic in her eyes slowly ebbed into the pack link, and then I winced as Colton cuffed me on the back of the head.

 "Relax Sid, nothing happened. You just sat on the counter top and that chair over there when you were naked human but wolf minded." He explained and her relief washed over us right before a new horror set in. "I sat naked on the counter top and you didn't stop me?!" She barked in outrage. "It didn't seem wise to go against you at that point in time." Bowen murmured slowly. "Did you at least clean the chair and counter off afterwards?" She scowled, our silent glances to one another were enough of an answer to her. "I can not believe this, stupid unhygienic horny males, we eat our food in here!" She threw her hands up in the air in disbelief as she sprayed the counter and chair heavily before scrubbing at them relentlessly.

 "We certainly don't mind." I purred as I strolled up and placed my hand on the counter, her back against my front as I whispered the words, she tensed at the contact. "Carrots I swear if you do not back down right now, I will hurt you." Her growl was deadly, I probably shouldn't have dropped my hand to her hip. I didn't even see it coming she moved that fast, hip checking me to back me up before her hand with claws partially extended was holding tight to my throat. I was gasping for air as her eyes were dark and menacing with the growl rippling out of her, she released my throat with a knee to the groin as I dropped to the floor with a whimper of pain. 

"Ouch, dude she did warn you." Gavin spoke sympathetic of my pain but agreeing it was deserved as she leaned down to hover by my ear. "Very stupid move." She hissed before standing up proudly. "Let me make it perfectly clear the next time any f you try to pin me beneath you in any way, I will castrate you myself. And just so you know the next time you try anything stupid like that with me Carrots, I will chop you up into tiny pieces, throw you in a stew and feed you to whatever's hungry enough to eat you, understood?" She barked out to our immediate and cowering agreement, don't disrespect the she wolf. 

"Good. Now you boys mix 10 drops of this to a gallon of water and spray it around outside to deter any nosy fools still hanging around, make sure to get the porch too." She stated as she handed a eye dropper with some dark brown liquid to Colton and then tossed him an empty spray bottle. "I'm going to go take a shower, sorry for hitting so hard Micah but you must take any and all warnings seriously, especially now." She sighed as she helped pull me to my feet, I winced but nodded once before she hurried off upstairs. 

"Nobody goes upstairs until she's showered and dressed." Bowen stated as the sound of running water started from above, it was an easy order to agree on for everyone's safety. "I guess we're off to spray whatever this is all over the place." Colton stated to the water and strange dropper mixture, Simon, Ash, Tucker, and Emmett all followed him out as the rest of us went back to the uninteresting game playing out on screen. Sinking into the couch as I stared at the screen with the others, my only focus were the thoughts of a showering Sidney upstairs right now and the last time I'd experienced that entertainment just days ago, at least this heat week was almost over.

*Tada Another posted update, until next time you awesome readers.*

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