Chapter 19

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The Emperor and The Empress
Chapter: 19


Akashi returned to his and Akisha's house only to find Akisha was locked in her room. He banged on her door the whole day but heard only her sobbing or "go away !"

Akashi slept in his room and couldn't feel more lonely and guilty than he already are, when he woke up the next morning, there was no sign of Akisha.

Once Akashi stepped on the school building, whispering can be heard around him while he was walking to his class.

"Have you heard ? Akashi-sama and Akisha-sama are no longer dating""ehhhh ? What happen ?""it happened in the basketball club, one of the members said that Akashi-sama said hurtful things to Akisha-sama and he got slapped after that""oh my !"

"Senari" he thought and just kept walking, suffering the pain he already have "Sen-chan !" Akashi looked in front of him to see Akisha then Reo came to her "Sen-chan ! I have been worried sick !! Where is Sei-chan ?" He asked and her answer broke Akashi's heart into pieces "no longer in my life"

"How ?" Akashi thought "how can I fix this mess I made" he said "Akashi !" An angry voice called but he didn't hear it clearly since he was in deep thoughts "Akashi !!!!" Akashi suddenly got turned by his shoulder and got pulled by his collar.

"What did you do this !!!!???" Akashi just stared at an angry Midorima with no emotion, as if he was already dead "what did you do this to Akisha !!!???" Midorima raised his fist and got stopped by Aomine "calm the hell down Midorima !!"

"Fighting is not going to fix any of this Midorima-kun" Kuroko said then Midorima dropped Akashi and Akashi just kept his face blanked.

"Looks like Akashi is broken too" Kagami said "poor Aki-chan, she was hurt so badly" Momoi said "ne~ Aka-chin, did you try to talk to Aki-chan ?" Murasakibara asked "I don't think he's going to talk su~, he's in pain" Kise said "I am no longer in her life" Akashi said more like to himself.

"She hates me, she won't forgive me, she doesn't need me anymore, I have said words I shouldn't say, now I'm no longer with her. I'm such an idiot" Akashi just stared at the floor.

"I knew he was going to say that" Kagami said then he and Aomine grabbed his arms and pulled him to the student council office and sat him in his chair.

They got a projector and played a video tape, "where did you get that ?" Aomine asked Momoi "I got those from Aki-chan's house just in case" she answered and the video started.

"Sei-kun~" a 6 years old Akisha was whining "what Sen-chan ?" A 6 years old Akashi said who was sitting on the grass of Akashi's house back yard while Akisha was leaning on his back.

"I want to play" she said "then play with your dog" he said "wa~ meanie Sei-kun, I want to play with you" she then sat in front of him "they are playing I see" Akashi's mom showed up "ah, they are" Akisha's mom said then they heard them fighting.

"Baka Sei-kun !""your Baka !" The mothers then saw the two kids glaring at each other "Senari" he mom called "Seijuro" his mom called then the kids pointed at each other "he/she started it !!!" They yelled.

The video then stopped here and Momoi took out the tape to replace it with another "I don't see the point in watching that" Akashi said "they look so cute~" Kise said.

This video started with a 12 years old Akisha trying to steady the camera then smiled "Oi what are you doing ?" A 12 years old Akashi then came in the picture with a book in his hand and what's weird that he was wearing reading glasses.

"Seijuro, you look stupid" Akisha said and He glared and sat on the sofa then she winked to the camera and put her finger to her lips as to stay quiet "Sei-Ju-ro~" She called "what" he said "close your eyes" he then closed them.

She tiptoed to him with something in her hands "open them" when he opened them he saw a dog close to his face "what the !!!" He fell from the sofa and she laughed "you were so scared !"

"Senari you little-" she then took off his glasses and she wore it "baaaaka~" she sticked her tongue out then ran away from him "Senari !" He got up and chased her around the room, they soon laid down on the floor and the butler came in to see the mess they made "you little trouble makers" the butler chuckled "it was him/her !!!" They pointed at each other.

"I didn't know they could be this childish" Kagami whispered to Aomine "yeah, but it's so funny just to watch them" Aomine snickered "I think it's working" Kuroko nodded at Akashi who was staring the blanke screen thinking "one last video and he's out of that door" Momoi said and played the last video

When it played it showed a 13 years old Akisha sitting alone in a room "ok this thing is on" she said then she smiled "I have spend my whole life with Seijuro, from kindergarten to middle school. I have met new friends, and joined a team to the most sport I love."

Akashi then sat up and watch the video focused, the video continued "today is my and Seijuro's friendship anniversary, what I like about this day is that Seijuro was the first true friend I ever had, this is the first time I ever saw him that day and maybe the last because I'm not going to see him again. I have to move to America for my dad's work. I think I'll have a new life there but without Seijuro there" she paused for a moment then continued smiling "then my life is like dream got crushed".

Akashi then slammed his fists on the desk and stood up angrily "I gotta find her" he thought then ran through the door "I told you it would work" Momoi said "I think it did" Midorima sighed then looked at the door when Akashi exited "don't make the same mistake I had" he thought.

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