It was a long, sweeping gown, much to fancy for a simple car ride. The dress was a  rich royal blue colour and it covered every inch of my body excluding my head and hands, the neckline raised to my chin. My hair was elegantly piled onto the top of my head, and my hands were covered by a fur, snow-white muff.

When I had asked why I was dressed to this extreme, I was told that I was to be meeting his parents on arrival, and that looking anything less would be an embarrassment.

Apparently, Maddox had chosen this outfit, I already knew that I would be spending the rest of the day cursing him for it.

"Elora, it's time to head down," Haven called out, breaking me out of my trance.

I sighed, "Why did I say yes to him again?"

Verity chuckled, pulling one of the large suitcases of my bed and placing it upright on the floor, "Because the mate bond is slowly making you fall in love with him and seeing his smile makes your day a hundred times better," I shot her a glare, "Or you were too scared and polite to say no?"

"That sounds about right, the second part, the first is preposterous," I sighed, stretching a little before walking over and helping Verity with my suitcases, "Tell me again why you three can't come with me?"

"I wish we could, it would be better than staying here," Faith grumbled, "Because you will have Zina, Peyton and Callie there, so our services aren't required."

I let out a breath, "Right, well, I'll take this one, everyone grab a bag, Maddox will have a freakout if I don't get down there soon."

I grabbed the largest bag, but it was quickly taken off me by one of my guards who entered my room after hearing my words. In total, I think I had six bags, five more than necessary. I ended up grabbing a small show box, the smallest parcel out of all of them. I started walking, following everyone that was in front of me, hoping and praying that I didn't trip over the edge of this dress. It didn't take long at all to reach the courtyard, were four cars were parked patiently, waiting for its occupants. At first, I didn't see anyone, I only heard them. The loud screams of the toddlers, the hushing from Peyton and Callie and desperate coos from Zina to baby Seraphine. Dakota and Cassius were piling suitcases into the back of two separate cars. Maddox, however, was leaning against the largest car, nervously tapping his arm, his jaw clenched. The moment he saw he us, he rushed over, quickly taken the tiny shoebox from my hands with a smile and bringing it back to the trunk of the car, mimicking the same actions as Dakota and Cassuis.

The two guards, Haven, Faith and Verity placed the bags that they were holding over near the car before coming back in my direction.

"It makes him feel like a mate, they don't ever let the females do anything like this," Verity giggled, referring to how only Maddox was piling the luggage into the car, allowing no guard to help him.

I held back a snort, "That's stupid," And kinda cute,

Verity shrugged, still smiling, "Well they certainly don't think so. We need to go, good luck. You'll be fine," She embraced me one last time, quickly followed by the other two girls before letting go and disappearing from view. 

Seeming to be finished, Maddox came back up to me, "You look beautiful dove, do you like the dress?"

I nodded, "I do, though I feel quite overdressed..."

"Compared to the others my dove, you are quite underdressed."

I spared a glance over to the other girls, quickly realising that Maddox was right. Their dresses were bedazzled, huge fur coats covered their shoulders and their clothes were lined with fur. Maddox, Cassius and Dakota were all in suits, as were Beau and Teo, except the two toddlers were wearing small bow ties. Even Arya and Tayla seemed more dressed up than me, each in tiny ball gown dresses that seemed to have been sewed by the Moon Goddess herself.

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