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"Some of the most poisonous people come disguised as family."


Brooke's POV

The Alpha suddenly turns around and runs away, he must've of figured out that this was only a diversion. 

"Brooke! Follow him." My Mistress demands.

I run off in his direction, leaving the fight behind. 

I soon reach the pack house to find what I expected. Blood Runners and pack members litter the ground like confetti. There's cries of kids in the distance.

This isn't right.

I'm not right.

I collapse on my knees in shock and distress. I can't hear the kids cries anymore because of my own sobs.

I look down at my hands to find my claws slowly becoming shorter and blunt.

The sudden whimper of a familiar Alpha wakes me from my shocked state. I run to the back of the house to see a massive Blood Runner towering of Eric. 

I shift without thinking, the grass burns around my paws and my focus sharpens. The scar on my left eye instantly heals form the power and rage surging through my veins. I silently walk over to the pair. Eric's fur is knotted from dry blood, which makes it hard to identify how serious the wounds are. The Blood Runner is bigger then Eric but still smaller the me, which will hopefully give me an advantage.

When he's not looking I pounce on his back and dig my canines into his neck. He tries to get me off by running in circles but I don't let go. Until he does something unexpected and rolls onto his back squishing me between the ground and him.

I quickly clench my teeth and rip off the flesh on his neck. The blood seeps out and his body goes limp.

I push his body off and get up, my back burns and I'm sure I've broken most of my ribs. 

Eric limps over to me and I meet his eyes, they hold disbelief, relief and pain.

I bow my head in shame and as an apology. Eric comes and like my ears as forgiveness. 

I suddenly I remember where Stacey, Josh and Toby are. I quickly run into the forest with Eric in tow. 

The clearing is filled with warlock and witch bodies. I shift back and Eric follows, I try and not look at Eric while he finds some shorts.

"Brooke!" I see a small brunette come up and hug me. 

"Kassie, I'm so glad your okay." I wrap my arms around her small frame. 

"Same here." She looks up and I can see she has a cut going through her eyebrow and lip.

"Kassie, did you fight?" Her brother asks, raising an eyebrow.

"It was just one warlock" Eric opens his mouth, "And before you interrupt, saying I'm not old enough. I'm fifteen, Eric!" She crosses her arms over her chest.

"Brooke, your okay!" Stacey comes and tackles me to the ground. 

"Oww, my ribs." I groan.

"Sorry." Stacey helps me up. Her nose has been bleeding and she has two black eyes.

"But you guys will never believe who the Mistress is." She says with a very serious face. 

We make our way over to two massive trees, following Stacey.

Steve and Toby have the Mistress's arms behind her back, her black hair is a certain of secrecy in front of her face.

Tim has the red mask in his hand, I realize there is tears flowing freely from his eyes. 

Eric goes and stands next to him with a troubled gaze. I step forward to the woman who turned me into a monster.

I grab her hair and pull it away from her face. The familiar green eyes and freckles enter my vision.

"Gemma!" I gasp from my dry, parched lips.

"Hello Brooke." I wasn't very close with Gemma, like Stacey was but she always seemed like them innocent, sweet type. Staring at her now I see how I was so wrong. 

"Why? Why did you do this? What did I do to you?" I gasp.

"You live. You are the Dark Moon Goddess's creation. You didn't obey, you die." She states, emotionless.

I look at Eric with remorse. 

"I didn't complete the mission. I die." Foam begin to form in Gemma's mouth and her shoulders start shaking. 

Steve and Toby let go of her and she drops to the floor, suddenly she stops.

I slowly crouch and put two fingers to her neck, in search of a heartbeat but only meet cold, sweaty skin.

I look up and shake my head no. I close her eyes and stand.

I turn and start running without look at anyone else. 

This is all my fault. If I wasn't here, the Dark Moon Goddess wouldn't of corrupted Gemma's mind.

I quickly shift and continue sprinting.  I hear Eric's wolf behind me but I push myself to go faster, leaving him behind.

This is what happens and it'll always happen. Death follows me.

I run past the border of Nightfall Warriors Pack.

Because I'm the Blood Red Wolf.


𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕰𝖓𝖉


Thank you everybody for reading, hope you liked it.


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