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Brooke's Outfit ^^^

"If you want to be a hero, be the one to live to tell the tale."

- 9-1-1   T.V Show

Brooke's POV

Driving to work the next day, I try to recover my thoughts.

Last night Jackson found me and toke me back home. When I got there Eric was gone as well as his friends and family. I went straight up to my room and fell asleep.

This morning I avoided everyone and haven't spoken a word. I usually don't get so emotional about my Packs death. But today is the anniversary of their death.

Reaching the bungy jumping parking lot, I turn off the engine, take a deep breath and get out of my car.


Getting onto the lifeboat, I make sure my life jacket is secure and make my way to under the bungy jumper. I unclip his feet from the rope and he lands in the boat.

"That was amazing!"

"I bet it was." I answer the hyped jumper. We get to the land and the 26 year old man runs off to his friends. 

I check my watch, five past four. I jump out of the lifeboat and take off my lifejacket.

Today I have learnt costumer service and jump end but I can't keep my mind off Eric. What if he thought I was weak? What if he hated rogues? What if . . .

"Brooke!" I turn to see Kassie running towards me. Some how I had made to my car and was just getting in.

"Oh . . . Ah hi Kassie." I saw awkwardly, due to last nights conflict.

"Are you going to tell him?" Wow, straight to the point.

"Tell who what?" I say, playing dumb.

"You know who I mean, are you going to tell Eric that you're the rare and famous Blood Red Wolf." She says throwing hand gestures everywhere.

"Nope." I say popping the 'P'.

All I get in return is a glare.

"Look." I sigh, "If I tell Eric he will either reject me or get hurt, or maybe killed. And I refuse to let that happen."

I get in my car and drive off. Where? I don't even know.


Sorry, so short. But this is only a filler chapter, the next chapter will be exciting. Promise.

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