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To be told ^^^

'A scar simply means you were stronger than whatever tried to hurt you . . .'


This chapter is dedicated to _1_Black_1_, for helping me get enough courage to carry on writing.

Brooke's POV

I don't see the Blood runner get up and come towards me, his grey clawed paw collides with my left eye and I let out a yelp of pain.

You're probably confused, let's rewind.


Thirty Minutes Earlier

After driving away from Kassie, I end up getting pulled over by the police. Twice.

Yay me!

So now I have a 24-hour suspension on my car!

Luckily I'm right next to the forest. I run towards the forest and shift in mid-step. After just getting familiar with the territory for fifteen minutes, I smell something disgusting and one thing comes to mind.

A blood runner.

Rogues are wolves who have decided to run away or their pack has been killed and other reasons, but they are still able to shift into humans and control their wolf.

Blood runners are way more dangerous, They have lost all control of their wolf side and can't shift back into a human. They are out for blood and will kill anyone in their way, Vampire, rogues, their own kind, you name it.

And I have just in counted one. 

I look behind me to see a grey wolf, his fur is mattered, his eyes are bleeding and his muzzle is dripping with a mixture of blood and saliva. It's disgusting.

The first chance he gets he lunges, full force at me. I manage to dodge just in time and bite his back right leg. He pulls and I hear the sickening crunch as he pulls away, with only three legs. I let go of his leg and try not to swallow his fur and blood.

He turns around, hopping. I look into his eyes and see no pain. That's what scares me the most about blood runners, they feel no pain, no feelings and definitely no human.

He charges at me and I am not fast enough, his head bucks me full force and I bang into the closest tree. The tree snaps and lands on top of me, I yelp and find it hard to breath.

I see a female blonde wolf jump over me and charge at the blood runner, as well as a brown male wolf. Stacey and Jackson.

Three male wolves come and lift the tree off my back. Liam, Toby, and Josh. We all run towards the fight, Stacey has a small gash on her right leg that is already healing. Must have been from a tree, seeing as a blood runners paws are laced with wolfsbane. 

The Blood runner has his back towards me so I have an advantage. I pounce on his back and bite and scratch his back. He shakes his fur out and I go flying, I roll until I hit a small river.

The rocks at the bottom are slippery with green slime. I struggle to get up, with the water making my fur heavy. When I emerge from the water a limp as fast as I can to the fight.

 Stacey is on the ground with Josh nuzzling her, while whimpering. Liam, Toby and Jackson are still fighting the Blood runner, he has blood streaming from his stub of a leg, mouth, what's lefts of a tail and his chest.

'Josh, get Stacey some help.' I order Josh threw the mind-link. ' Go to Eric's pack house.'

He nods his big wolfy head at me and carries Stacey away, on his back.

I run right for his throat and latch on, I throw him into a tree, juts like he did with me. I hear whimpering and see Liam on the ground smothered in his on blood.

'Liam!' I shout.

I don't see the Blood runner get up and come towards me, his grey clawed paw collides with my left eye and I let out a yelp of pain. Blood gets in my eye and I'm seeing spots, I don't realize I'm falling until the world goes side ways.

The last thing I hear is a lot of growls, then everything goes black.


Oooo Cliff hanger.

I'm so evil.

If you havent haven't guessed the picture up top, is what Brooke's wolf now looks like.

Anyway, please don't be a ghost reader, leave a comment and please vote.


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