You Connect For a Moment

Start from the beginning

YCIOH: ...why did he keep you on the dance floor? Aren't slow songs usually for romantic dancing? Your heart skips and speeds up as you lay in bed this night, putting two and two together. Could it be?

HCIOY: Yes, he's in love with you, and has been since the troll incident, although he didn't realize it until about a month later. He's a bit nervous he went too far tonight, but also hopeful. He knows you're quite smart and will quickly understand his actions- but do you return his affections? This, he has yet to discover.


Mood: A little dark due to the destruction all around, but otherwise pretty lighthearted

Esgaroth is burning, but Smaug is finally dead. Seems like a lose-win situation to you. Kili was hit in the back by falling debris while protecting you in the escape from the town, and to that injury you now attend. At the edge of the Long Lake, you have him sit on a large rock and take off his coat and shirt as you wet a strip of cloth in the water. Turning back, you blush at a shirtless Kili smiling cheekily at you, arms crossed patiently on his lap. 

You mentally chase the pink off your cheeks and approach him, almost choking on just the air when he mutters, "Like what you see, Tirnethêl?" You mock-scoff and press the damp cloth to the bruises and slight burns on his upper back a bit too hard. He winces and you apologize, but he just gives a humored sigh and admits he probably deserved it for that comment. Your shoulders release their tension as the awkwardness in the air dissipates at his words, but you frown at one of the harshest burns and pull a vial of Athelais paste from a narrow pocket inside your long tunic.

"This burn is... it's bad." He nods, acknowledging that this next bit will probably hurt, and you begin to spread the paste as gently as you can on the red, blistering flesh. Instantly, he gasps and gives a grunt of pain, and you pause for a moment before laying your free hand over one of his. You begin to hum the tune that first convinced him to trust you as you continue to spread the Athelais over the injury. He doesn't even flinch this time and you're sure if you could see his expression, you'd see a small smile on his handsome (ahEM) face, Once you're done a half-minute later and need to wrap up the burns, you have to pull back the hand that rests upon Kili's and you do so a bit hesitantly. You finish up quickly and he tugs his shirt back on just as you're called away to tend to another wounded fellow.

HCIOY: It's a pity you had to go, he wants to talk to you about something important. He noticed your hesitation, your blush, your comforting hand- all these little things give him hope.

YCIOH: You're not great with expressing emotions of romance due to never having desired love before, an unfortunate fault to have when falling deeply for a certain dwarf prince...

Bilbo: (Note: The dialogue prompt is back for this one too yaaaaaay)

Mood: A little sad but sweet

Thorin hasn't been in his right mind as of late. he's been having the Company search the halls of the newly-reclaimed Erebor day and night to find the Arkenstone. You have a dangerous secret: you've found it, but don't trust the Dragon Sickness in Thorin's mind and so have kept it hidden in a secret pocket in your jacket for the last few days. You're very stressed about this and so go to Bilbo for help; he's the only one you think has any sense right now. He agrees with your concerns completely and swears to help you hide it, and then soon, the conversation turns and Bilbo expresses his homesickness. You sit beside him on a nearby stone bench and listen as he tells you all about his dear home of Bag End and the wonderful Shire and so on and so forth. He shows you an acorn he picked up in Beorn's fields and says in a soft voice how he's going to bring it all the way home and plant it in his garden, and that just about makes you want to cry. 

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