Asano x Reader: Blind Part 2

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Minor spoilers alert, in case you haven't finish the anime/ manga. This takes place in between the last episode of the anime, the day after your graduation.


The sharp beeps of your alarm clock pierced the peaceful silence of your bedroom. With a groan, you rolled out of bed and stretched your stiff limbs. Your eyes felt swollen and tired despite the 10-hour sleep, but you couldn't help it. Glancing at your table, a forlorn smile graced your lips at a familiar book with the doodles of a certain yellow octopus.

After you and your E-class classmates spent a night crying and sleeping in your classroom, all of you had decided to attend the graduation ceremony right after. The image of Korosensei's death was still imprinted behind your eyelids, and the cries of your classmates still rang in your ears. You could feel tears welling up again as you replayed the scene, but stopped yourself before they could slip down your cheeks.

Nah, Korosensei wouldn't want this.

A chuckle escaped your lips. When was the last time you had cried this badly? Right, it was almost seven months ago, when you had dashed out of your ex-boyfriend's house. The next day, upon your dishevelled appearances and red eyes, your classmates approached you and asked you what had happened. Their genuine concern despite your selfish actions sent a deep lash of guilt in your conscience, and soon enough the whole truth tumbled out before you knew it. You expected them to stare at you with disgust, to throw snide comments at you and jeer at your pathetic self, but they surprised you with hugs and reassurance. The girls were especially aggressive, cracking their knuckles and swearing to get back at him. This elicited a few laughs from you despite the beads of tears rolling down your cheeks.

Throughout the next few months, everyone lent a hand in helping you get back on your feet. Yes, even Terasaka in his own special way (i.e: screaming for you to man up). You soon found yourself melting naturally into jovial ambience and into the big family of class 3-E. There were many times Asano tried to manipulate and overturn your class, but your classmates were especially protective of you when it came to him, never giving you both the opportunity to meet. You were grateful, because you weren't so sure if you could keep your trembling emotions in check.

And the rest, you know.

Eyes still misty, you turned your watery gaze to a white envelope beside Korosensei's book. Curiosity overtook your instincts and you reached for it. You recalled it was yesterday that someone had slipped this into your bag, when your class was leaving the ceremony but the throngs of people had swarmed over you all. That was when the five virtuosos came in and took control of the situation while ensuring your class made it safely to the bus. It was on the bus when you realised the envelope peeking out of your bag, and you hadn't seen it before you left the school hall-

Realisation hit you like a brick. Oh.

You swiftly tore it open, revealing a piece of paper and (your favourite sweet). On the white blank surface there were a few words written in elegant cursive.

Kuriya Park. 10 A.M. Saturday. Please.


You had to reread three times before the request actually registered in your head. Why in the world did Asano Gakushuu want to meet you? Especially after you've graduated? What caught your attention was the word "please". As far as you know, Asano was never one to say 'please' to a request, only when he was really desperate or backed into a corner, like the time he asked your class to defeat the A-class. Well, he did change, but the fact of him using your feelings did not. And you weren't going to be bribed either

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