Maehara x Yandere! Reader: For You

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Ever since the start of junior high life in Kunigigaoka, you made friends with a handsome blonde hair guy called Maehara, which both of you soon became best friends. And that relationship with him for you slowly developed into a crush. Even if he dropped to E-Class, you had followed him.

You knew you were crazy for him, crazy enough to give up everything for him: Your results, your reputation, everything. Even if your family disowns you for this, you would still follow him to the ends of the earth. Yes, you were that insane, craving for him whole.

Until one day, you saw your crush kissing your best friend Okano behind the lockers. They even did the french kiss.

Your heart sunk and broke into pieces. Actually, not just your heart, the string keeping your sanity sane broke too.

You were too heart-broken to even care that Okano was your best friend. She knew about your huge crush on Maehara, yet here she was, making out with him.

She stole him from you.

It was all her fault.

Yes, all her fault.

And she needs to pay-


Be exterminated.

It was all you could think of. And now you were in your room, plucking the petals off a daisy you found on your way back home.

He likes me.

You plucked a petal.

He likes me not.

Another petal.

You continued until only one petal remaining. You tenderly plucked it and released it from your grip, letting it slowly flutter down to the floor.

He likes me.

An insane grin spreaded across your face as you let go of the stem, letting it dropped among the petals now littered on you once clean carpet floor.

He's mine.

The next day you went to school, just as you sat down, your best friend came skipping up to you and greeted you. Usually, you would smile back at her and you both would immediately start chatting, but this time, only hatred and anger filled you as you showed her your best fake smile. You cringed just thinking of spending time with this backstabber. Then, she noticed it.

"Hey, (Y/N), why do you look so tired? Don't tell me you stayed up watching anime again!"

You fake-smiled at her nodding, glad that she assumed that. Actually, instead of watching anime, you were busy planning how to exterminate the said girl standing in front of you.

You had chosen the most classical way  for a murder attempt. And you planned to carry it out as fast as possible.

The last bell for that day rang. Usually you'd be walking home with Okano, but nowadays she always said she wasn't free, now you know the reason why. She and Maehara had been secretly dating.

After you alighted the train you and Okano usually take to go home, instead of heading straight home, you hid yourself in an alleyway Okano will take as a shortcut to get home. There, you wore a black jacket all the way to your knees and a skull mask to prevent other people from recognising you. Finally, you rummaged through your bag and took out the finally prep for your assassination. A real knife.

After around half an hour, the train arrived again and the doors slid open, passengers alighted and finally, the couple you were waiting for.

You saw both of them holding hands and they were laughing over something. As they were about to part, Maehara kissed Okano before they parted. Jealousy spread through every part of your body, but you quickly brushed it off with a sinister smile, because you knew she was soon gonna disappear. Forever.

The clueless Okano proceeded into the alleyway, humming and oblivious to the danger looming ahead. You sneaked up behind her without a sound, grateful for the assassination practice in school.

Suddenly, metal pierced through her skin at her chest. A startled gasp escaped Okano as she looked down, trembling from shock amd pain to see a knife sticking out from her chest as warm blood began trickling down her white uniform, staining it crimson. She turned around painfully only to stare at the mask of her killer. But, a hand reached up and removed the mask. Okano's eyes widened as she saw your face, the face of her best friend.

With an evil smirk, you leaned in and whispered into her ear:

"How long do you think you're going to decieve me? Goodbye, my best friend."

You pulled out the knife, eyes void of any emotion as you watch her bloodied body fall to the ground with a thud. A pool of blood formed around her. You kicked her a little to test if she was still alive, but got no reaction. Confirming she was dead, you wiped the blood from your knife and wore your mask before taking off.

Extermination complete.

Thank you, my best friend, for teaching me to feel the emotion jealous.
"Last night, a corpse was found in the alleyway of the Tokyo train station. The victim was a 15 years old girl, who was stabbed in the chest estimated around yesterday evening. The suspect is Nick Wallinstone, a foreign murderer who has been committing murder crimes since last year and is still being chased by the police-"

You shut the television with the remote. Then, you got up and left for school. In school, koro-sensei said: "Class, Okano-san was murdered yesterday. We shall now mourn for her to rest in peace."

You glanced at Maehara, who's face was shadowed by his bangs. Secretly, you smirked.

At recess, you went up to Maehara. "Hey, Maehara." You purposely pulled a sad face. Maehara looked up at you. "Hey, umm...I'm sorry...I know Okano is your best friend and all...I'm sorry..." he muttered, looking down. You smiled sadly. "It's all right."

" wanna know something?" "Hmm?" "Actually, Okano and I...are dating..." You felt your fist balling up, but quickly relaxed it.

You put your hand on his shoulder to comfort him. "Really? Must be hard on you then..." You gasped in surprise when he suddenly pulled you into a hug, sobbing on your shoulder. You paralyzed, but quickly recover as you hugged him back, stroking his hair. A victorious smirk crept across your face as your eyes glinted dangerously.

He's mine forever.

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