Yandere! Karma x Delicate! Reader: Fragile Part 2

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Requested by: idk but quite a lot


Slamming your bathroom door shut, you immediately stripped off your uniform top and studied your reflection in the mirror. You ran a trembling hand over the red-and-purple-ish bite marks adorning your (s/c) skin. Your hair was a mess, and your lips were bruised from the rough kiss.

You've never felt so morified, so violated, so...

Turned on.

A vivid blush spread across your cheeks like a wildfire as you remembered the feeling of Karma's hot tongue running across your collarbone, and the lust-clouded look he gave you-

"If you get too close with Teresaka-kun again, I'll do something to him, and punishment won't just stop here like today~~"

Immediately, the blush paled and a shiver ran down your spine. You suddenly felt very afraid to go to school, to see your best friend. You knew convincing Karma the fact you both aren't a couple would be useless.

But, it wouldn't hurt to try...right?

Then maybe, just maybe, Karma would let go of that threat and Teresaka would be safe, but there was no guarantee it would go smoothly.

You have to warn Teresaka.

No, no, no. You couldn't risk it.

Should you just avoid him?

A short rap of knuckles against your bathroom door jolted you out of your thoughts. "Dear, is everything all right? You've been in there for 10 minutes." Your mother asked. You let out a breath you didn't realise you were holding.

You quickly slipped of the rest of your clothes as you replied: "Y-Yes! Just a stomachache, that's all. I'm...fine..."

You weren't sure who you were reassuring anymore.

For the next few days, you were busy avoiding Teresaka and his gang. You would reach school just before the bell rang, so that Teresaka wouldn't have time to talk to you. Then, during lunch break, you would find some excuse to skip lunch with them, and quickly dash off every time he tried to confront you. Even after school, you would be the first one out of the wooden sliding door.

You bet a certain redhead was thoroughly enjoying this.

Once, after school, Karma gave you a short kiss, smirking satisfiedly as he stroked your (h/c) hair. "Good girl," he had murmured, as he gave you an enamated look that made you flinch.

Nagisa seemed to know what was going on between the three of you, because there were a few times, he would give you a sympathic look after you had managed to avoid another confrontation, as if to apologise for he couldn't do anything. You didn't blame him though.

No one had messed with Karma, and gotten away unharmed.

Maybe except Korosensei, but that perverted octopus would just make things worse, his face turning pink as he jotted down notes on that damned notebook of his.

Ah well, no matter, you thought as you sat down for lunch one day. He wouldn't help anyway.

A pair of burly arms slammed down on your desk, scaring the living daylights out of you. Terrified, you peered up at Teresaka's fury figure. He was scowling so hard, his eyebrows looked like they were going to jump off his face.

You hurriedly stood up to run away again, but this time all your escape options were blocked off by his gang. Teresaka wasted no time, grabbing your frail figure by the shoulders and began yelling at you: "Oi! You've been avoiding me this whole week, (Y/n)! What the hell is wrong with you?! What are you hiding?!"

Whimpering, tears pricked the corner of your eye as he began to shake you violently and continued spatting questions at you. You couldn't take it anymore, it was hurting you too much, you opened your mouth: "T-Teresaka-kun..."

All you felt was wind zipping pass your ear, and Teresaka soon let go of you, howling and cursing in pain as a pen embedded itself into the back of his meaty hand.

"Now, now, Teresaka-kun~ you're touching her too much~" a familiar sly voice perked up behind you. An arm snaked around your waist, pulling you close in, your cheek squishing against a sturdy chest. You didn't care if he was the man you were terrified of, you needed to hold onto someone. This whole ordeal just scared you too much. You buried your tear-stained face into his jacket and inhaled his intoxicating scent.

Ironically, it calmed you down.

Teresaka glared at the culprit. "What the hell do you mean, Akabane?" He spat, but almost immediately shut himself up upon seeing the look the redhead wore. His aura for bloodlust was uncontrollable now, the temperature in the classroom seemed to have dropped drastically. Though there was his innocent smile was still plastered on his lips, his eyes harboured a crazed look.

Slender fingers tangled themselves between your (h/l) locks as he spoke: "Has that muscle brain of yours not caught on what's going on?" Karma said wryly, "(Y/n)-chan here...is mine. I don't particularly like sharing with people, especially you, Te-re-sa-ka-kun~"

Teresaka only scowled deeper, despite the chill that threatened to make him shiver. "I don't get a single damn thing you just said," he blurted out. Immediately, the corners of Karma's lips were tugged downwards, as he tilted his head. "You don't?"

In all happened in a flash. A glinting blade was pressed against Teresaka's throat, drawing out the slightless trace of crimson. Everyone froze, eyes widened and jaws slacked. Teresaka's bravado had vanished completely, replaced with a look of fear, his adam apple bobbed as he gulped. The killer intent was real, everyone could feel it. If they hadn't been in public, blood would be spilling out from his skin by now.

Karma sent him a smile that made Teresaka paralysed, even as to so afraid to breathe, yet he couldn't bring his eyes to look away.

After an intense staring battle, Karma finally let out a sigh and pulled away. Your childhood friend immediately collapsed on the floor, drenched in nervous swear, his eyes widened in horror. The tensed atmosphere dropped, but not completely. Sheathing his knife, he walked up to you and dragged you away by the hips. Before he left the classroom, he tilted his head backwards to look at everyone.

"I'm coming back to take homework for (Y/n)-chan. So don't bother to take it to her house." And with that, he left, dragging your petrified form along.

Let's just say he entice you that afternoon, and just maybe, you wouldn't mind getting punished again.

Hey guys!

I hope I portrayed a Yandere side correctly, because I ain't an expert lololol. I may be a yandere (oOpS) but the storyline is preventing me from killing anyone.

Anyway, *cough* hope you guys got what you expect! :D

Thanks for reading! >w<


Assassination Classroom x Reader Oneshots!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora