"You're comparing me to a dirty pig?" Cynthia suddenly became offended, not getting what David was really trying to tell her. 

"Oui..." The other adventure kids all face-palmed, as this wasn't going well for David. 

"No! What I mean is!... I've always noticed how competitive you are" David tried explaining. 

It's true, Cynthia was always very competitive when it came to certain things. She even took David out dancing without even realizing it to out-due her rival Tiffany for having a better date. This delighted David very much. 

"You got a problem with that?!" Cynthia then glared a bit at David for him mentioning about her competitive nature. 

"NO!" David quickly answered. "It's just that, well, what I'm trying to say is... um..." he tried to explain, but...

"Come on, gang, let's go!" Kali told her team, already having opened the time-stream portal with her magic crystal so they could go to Arendelle. 

Cynthia then went to join Kali and Teeders, jumping into the portal while the twins came up to David, looking disappointed. It was revealed that David was trying to confess his feelings to Cynthia and tell her that he loved her. 

"Comparing her to a pig? That's a lot coming from you" The twins scoffed at David for messing it up with Cynthia. Poor David hung his head and sighed in disappointment that he had failed telling Cynthia his feelings for her. 

They then jumped into the portal, following after the girls as they were swept up into the magic vortex which would take them to Arendelle. 

The adventure kids soon stopped swirling around through the magic time traveling vortex as they had arrived in Arendelle, seeing the castle right in front of them. Thank goodness, the gang had started to become dizzy. 


Ari was out on the castle's balcony, looking out into her kingdom. 

She was 13 now, and through all this time she has always seeked acknowledgement from her family. Especially her aunt Elsa, who she was closest to. It was clearly shown Ari loved her family very much and would do anything for them. 

Sometimes however, the young princess did have a few troubles when it came to doing her royal duties. Like one time when she had to present herself in front of the whole kingdom, she accidentally lit half of the courtyard on fire with her powers. 

And that's not all. Just last week she had been practicing down by the fjord on an upcoming speech she had to give to the kingdom, when she lost her balance and fell in the water, becoming soaked. 

Ari never did like water that much. (You'd think it be due to fire's weakness being water). 

And when she came back to Elsa...

"Do I want to know?" Is all the ice queen had to say to her niece. 

"I don't think so..." Ari replied, looking down to avoid eye contact. 

It had been rather embarrassing for the fiery princess those times she'd messed up, especially when some of the villagers laughed at her those few times. 

"Princess Ari..." A voice was then heard. 

Ari had been so lost in her daydreams that she was startled as Kai, the royal family's head servant had come to inform her she had visitors. Ari accidentally burnt the railing with her powers. Luckily, there were always royal servants standing by with buckets of water to put out the fire, leaving behind black ash marks on the railing. 

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