Moments of Hana being protective of her members

Start from the beginning

The rest of the boys although they weren't fluent in English quite yet they understood what the woman had said. And they knew that one of the biggest things Hana hates. Is being undermined, so they knew that this lady was going to get it. Hana purposely throws her phone under Namjoon's seat.

"Oh you see I do understand cause you know I do speak English." Hana says while giving the woman a little glare. Hana starts cracking her neck and knuckles. Jungkook gets up from sitting in between Namjoon and Seokjin right behind Hana. Holding Hana's shoulder as if he's trying to hold her back and calm her down.

Yoongi and Jin look to their lefts at Hana scared that this would catch the wrong attention. But luckily Hana was smiling the whole time which made it look like she was just having a kind conversation from afar with the lady still on Joon's lap. Jimin and Hobi look to their rights chuckling at how Hana was really about to put this lady in her place.

"Now if you would kindly proceed to get off of my bandmate's lap so I can get my phone I would highly appreciate it." Hana smiles while passive aggressively giving attitude. The woman's eyes widen and she quickly gets off of Namjoon's lap. And she scurries off to her seat. Without even saying Thank you for the picture.

"Enjoy the rest of the show." Hana waves as she walks away faking the niceness in her smile and voice. Quickly going back to her pissed off face. Namjoon reaches under his seat grabbing Hana's phone and giving it to her. She thanks him and is sat down by Jungkook who takes off his jacket to place on his noona's lap.

"I haven't seen you spar in a while noona I would've paid to see that." Jungkook laughs while clapping causing him to receive a flick on the forehead from Jin.

"Do any of you know who that even is?" Namjoon asks

"Yeah yeah Rachel Platten she wrote 'Fight song' doesn't matter who she is she made you uncomfortable clearly, and didn't care to get off much afterwards." Hana says before she grabs a bottle of water to drink.

"It was okay Hani-ah I could've waited till she got off, I would've been okay I promise." Namjoon tries to tell Hana that he was okay and she didn't have to worry about him.

"Well I wasn't going to sit here and let her just sit in your lap, when you didn't feel comfortable ." Hana explains with a tone that said 'I got your back'.

"And not just that she really made it seem like I was dumb as if 'thank you' in English is hard to understand."  Hana chuckles at how that Rachel lady insulted her intelligence.

"Remind me not to cross you again." Namjoon laughs, being grateful that his female member got him out of that situation.

"Oh trust me you don't have to worry. It's the people that think that they can mess with my members and get away with it that have to worry."

BBMAs 2019:

Hana and the boys were on the red carpet taking pictures in front of paparazzi when all of a sudden she sees a girl in a fluffy blue dress come up to the side of Hoseok.

"I'm just going to slide in and take a picture with you guys really quick." She says not even caring to ask the group if it was okay. Till she takes it a step too far. As many people know in Korean culture to touch somebody can be seen as very disrespectful and rude or invasive if you don't know that person on a personal level. But the girl next to Hobi decides to place her hands on his shoulders and hang on him.

Hana looks at Hoseok and being together and around someone so long you can tell when they're trying to hide something. Hana could tell that her older member was uncomfortable but tried to flash a smile for the cameras anyways, Taehyung and Yoongi look to the opposite side at the girl next to Hoseok and were just confused as to who this girl was, and why she just jumped in and thought it was okay to touch Hobi without permission.

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