I was so in love with him that I was too blind to even notice.

After our breakup, I picked up more shifts at the diner to keep my mind off of him. It helped...some. But nothing could fill the void in my chest.

I went through so many emotions during that time, that I felt like I would never heal. But eventually, I did. It took me months, but I did it.

It's been over a year since I have seen him last and I hope it stays that way. I don't know how I would react if I ran into him.

"What's got you so blue, boo?" I cringe at the word boo. I hate it. I hate it with a passion. "You have been staring out the window for 30 minutes now and I'm starting to get worried," Jeff, our other cook says.

Jeff has been here for as long as I have and I do consider him a close friend. He's older than me, two years to be exact. He was also around when Dom was doing his stupid shit.

"Just reminiscing about the past," I sigh. A frown slowly makes its way onto his face. He knows what I am talking about.

"And why would you be doing that? It's been a year. I thought you were over him."

My eyes widen in horror at his statement. I am over him. Wayy...over him.

"I am," I tell him truthfully. "I was just thinking about it that's all."

"But why?"

I debate on whether or not to tell him about Alex or not. And after a moment I do.

"I guess—, I guess it's because I recently met someone," I mutter and his eyes light up with surprise.

"You...met someone?" He asks slowly and I nod. "As in a male who has piqued your interest?" I nod again. "Holy shit," he exclaimed. "When did this happen?"

He has so many questions.

"And here I thought you were going to turn into a lesbian."

I burst into a fit of laughter. I can't believe he just said that to me. "That's Ally, remember!?" I managed to say through my laughter. He was also present at the party when Ally had her very first lesbian experience.

He chuckles, "Yeah, I remember. And if I remember correctly, that girl was so mad at her for not returning the favor."

I remember to. She was shaking in anger. I thought for sure she was going to beat the shit out of Ally right then and there. Ally was completely oblivious to the world around her that night, she didn't pay any mind to the raging woman that she just dismissed.

"So tell me everything. How did the two of you meet? What's he like? What does he look like? What..."

"Whoa," I laugh, cutting him off. "One question at a time."

He snaps his mouth shut and waits for me to continue. I told him about how it all started with the wrong number. How we talked for a few days over the phone and through text. And how he showed up here, unannounced, saving Sally from me and all the events leading up to this point.

He shakes his head, "So...you let a stranger take you home and he spent the night? Do you not know how dangerous, not to mention stupid that was? He could have done anything to you."

I understand his concern. But really it's none of his business.

I snort, "It's no different than meeting someone in the club and taking them back home. Besides, I'm here. I'm still alive and not a scratch on me."

That last part isn't entirely true. I do have a nasty bruise on my hip from hitting the floor after Alex pushed me off the couch. But that was Ally's fault, not his. She scared him.

"I guess you're right," he sighs. "But promise me you'll be careful. I don't want to see you get hurt again."

I smile warmly, "I promise. But I don't think you have to worry. "He is such a sweetheart."

Jeff rolls his eyes, "Well...are you going to tell me his name or do I have to find out myself?"

I chuckle, "His name is Alex Grant."

For a second he looks to be deep in thought. "I know I heard that name before?" He murmurs, scratching his chin like he's trying to solve a mystery. "But I can't remember where."

I'm starting to think that he was a detective in his past life.

"Oh well," he shrugs. "It will come to me sooner or later."

I laugh shaking my head, "You never give up do you?"


I don't even know why I asked. I knew the answer before he even said it.

I slap my hand on the counter, causing him to jump. "We better get ready for the dinner rush." I glance at the clock. "It's almost time."

"Did you have to smack the counter to tell me that? You scared the hell out of me."

I snicker, "For a man you sure are easy to scare."

He really is. He makes Halloween so much fun. This one time Ally, Jeff, and I went to a haunted house. He talked all this shit about being our protector. Needless to say, his screams were the loudest and he was the one that needed to be protected.

He sends me a playful glare, knowing damn well what I am talking about. And without saying another word, heads back to the kitchen to prep for the dinner rush.

I chuckle softly to myself, tie my apron around my waist, and sit patiently waiting for our next customer.

Hello again. Thanks for reading this far. Hope you're enjoying my writing and hope to see you in the next chapter.

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