So before things could escalate any further, I rushed towards her and covered her mouth with my hand— stopping her from saying anything she might regret, and pulled her towards the exit.

Once outside— I released her and she stormed off without so much as a glance back.

I watched quietly from a distance as she walked the parking lot— muttering to herself.

I have to say she looks pretty hot when she's fired up.

She takes a seat on the bumper of my car— I know what are the chances right? —and places her face in the palms of her hands.

I sigh heavily and slowly make my way towards her, taking a seat right next to her.

I studied her body language, which was tense— too tense if you ask me. I listened to her rant about the entire situation until she decided she was done.

Her reaction when she first saw me, had me feeling a little insecure about just showing up, but that quickly diminished when we started talking.

The way she kept looking at me had me feeling all kinds of different things and I liked it.

I'm so glad I made the decision to go.

A slight tickle on my nose breaks me from my thoughts and I itch it away, placing my hand back on her hip.

It wasn't until the second tickle that I knew it was deliberate and opened my eyes only to be met with a set of brown ones.

Startled, I jump— accidentally knocking, Fallon off the couch. She lands hard on the floor.


"Ow," she whines.

I peek my head over the edge of the couch to see a very pissed-off, Fallon. "What the fuck is wrong with you?"

I smile sheepishly, "Sorry, but there was a girl—."

Fallon's glare turns towards the redhead, standing slightly off to the side— with her arms folded over her chest.

"Really?" Fallon growls.

"Really," the redhead mocks.

Fallon pushes herself off the ground and stares the redhead down. "I'm changing my locks," Fallon sneers.

The redhead shrugs, "I'll just pick them."

I have woken up to some pretty fucked up shit in my life, but nothing like this.

Fallon snorts and matches the redhead's stance, "Bitchzilla ."


"Not true—," Fallon sings. "But nice try, Anal-whore."

"Sorry that I try a new thing, Prude."

"Keep going pussy-muncher."

"I didn't return the favor," the redhead growls.

"Animal control," Fallon states smugly, causing the redhead to snap her mouth shut.

You can definitely tell that these two are very close friends and then it dawned on me that this was the redhead from the club.

"Who's the hunk," the redhead asks, turning her attention to me.

Fallon blushes and shifts nervously on her feet, "This is um— um— this is Alex" She manages to get out. "Alex this is Ally, my pain in the ass best friend."

"Alex?" Ally says and looks me over thoroughly and then her eyes light up with recognition, "The green-eyed god?" She asks.

Green-eyed god? What's she talking about?

Wrong Number [18+]Where stories live. Discover now