Mrs. Ran began taking attendance. After about 3 minutes of reading our names we were ready to go. The bus took off and I couldn't of been any happier.

Darius took out his phone and shared his AirPods with me. We listen to some music but since it was just in one ear I could hear everything occurring behind me.

"Ugh these seats so tight." I heard Gina say.

"Their pretty big to me." Scott said.

"How long is this stupid bus ride anyways?"

"About 2 hours." He said.

"2 hours? What if I have to go use the bathroom?"

"Didn't I tell you use it before we left?"

"I did, and who said anything about using it. I just check myself."

"Well use your phone or something cause I don't think they'll stop the bus until we arrive." He said.

I tired to block out they're voices by paying attention to the music but it was almost impossible. I leaned against Darius on his shoulder as his arms were around me.

Darius had his eyes close and was probably asleep. I didn't understand how he could sleep through their loud conversation. I wanted to steal the other AirPod from his ear but I didn't want to wake him up.

After 30 minutes on the bus they finally shut up. I closed my eyes and since it was morning I felt a bit tired. So I found myself drifting to sleep.


"Babe." I felt wet kisses being plastered on my face. I opened my eyes and looked around.

Darius kept kissing me on my cheek not realizing I woke up.

"I'm awake." I smiled. He looked at me and kissed my lips.

"Good cause we're here." He said. I sat up and stretch a bit. I looked out the window seeing we were here.

There was more snow here and I could see the cabins and hills.


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"Wow." I said. I turned around and saw Gina glaring right at me through the seat cracks. I was weirded out that she was watching me.

I gave her a fake smile and looked away. The bus parked and we waiting for everyone in front of us to get off. I put on my jacket and zipped it up.

We both got off the bus and we all grabbed our bags. I grabbed my heavy bag struggling to carry it. Darius offered to help but since he had his own bags to carry, I declined.

"Ladies your rooms will be in the cabin on the right, and boys yours is on the left!" Mrs. Ran said.

"Well I gotta go before this break my shoulders." I told Darius.

"Alright, I'll see you after." I gave him a peck and followed the rest of the girls.

I catched up to Diamond and Crystal near the front.

"I hope the rooms aren't ghetto." Diamond said.

"They were built not to long ago so I think it looks nice." Crystal said.

We entered the big cabin and I gasp. It looks beautiful in here. There was a dining section, a cafe, it even had a elevator.

"Now ladies all the rooms are upstairs on the second and third floor. Some rooms have 4 bedrooms and some have 2. I don't want any cat fights to break out so take it easy when choosing." Mrs. Ran said.

We all went upstairs to the third floor since it had more bedrooms per room and dragging our bags. We reached the top floor and looked for rooms.

"Guys." Crystal said as she stood infront of a room. We were about to walk towards her until we got shoved again the walls.

Gina walked in the room. We all walked in behind her.

"This is perfect." She said to her friend.

"Uh, we already picked this room." I said.

"No, we guys were outside of this room. And I entered it first so it's mine." She smirked.

"There's 3 beds and there's only two of you." Crystal said.

Gina looked at her friend and shrugged.

"You guys can get the bed if you want." She said.

"No, we got this room first." Diamond said.

"First comes first serve." She said.

"Get out." I said getting angry.

"Make me." She smirked. I dropped my bag on the ground.

"Gina lets go, this room is too big for us anyways." The friend said.

"Which is perfect, I need a lot of space." She glared at us.

"Okay this is getting annoying, we're serious chicka, leave." Crystal said getting serious.

"No." She smirked. Crystal dropped her bags and removed her jacket.

"What are you going to do? Hit me, because the buses are still here and fighting is forbidden meaning they can send you home." She said.

"Who said anything about hitting you? I'm just getting comfortable in our room." Crystal said as she set her things on one of the bags.

"Gina enough let's go." The friend said.

"Whatever, I'm done messing with you weirdos anyways. Just know you didn't win anything." She glared at me and pushed me as she walked out with her friend.

We closed the door and we all sighed.

"I have to admit, I was this close to socking her out." Crystal said.

"The Hispanic in you spoke out." Diamond said and we all laughed.

"How can someone be that aggravating?" I said.

"Who even knows." Diamond said.

I went to the bed across from Crystals and set my things down. I opened my phone and saw there was service.

I dialled my moms number and waited for her to answer. After 3 calls with no pick up I just sent her a text.

"I'm hungry." Crystal said.

"Me too. There's a cafeteria we should go get something to eat." Crystal said.

"Sure." Diamond said.

"Does this room have a lock?" I asked.

"We don't have the keys to this room yet." Diamond said.

"Someone is going around giving each room their keys, since we're at the end of the hall we'll get ours last."

"That's gonna take forever." I said.

"You guys go, I'll join you after." Crystal said.

"You sure?" We asked.

"Yeah, if we leave someone might steal our things. Go ahead." She said.

"Alright. We'll see you after." Diamond said. We left the room and headed to the cafeteria.

It sucked that the cabin were divided. They allowed the boys into our cabin until 11 at night but not in the rooms.

Darius came with his friends and we ate. A while later Crystal joined us with the keys. They only gave us 2 and I trusted Diamond and Crystal enough to let them hold on to it.

So far the trip was going well, but I can be wrong.

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