Please, Please Me

252 12 7

Possible trigger and smut?

11 months ago

I blink slowly, wondering how I got here in the first place. I'm not exactly sure where I am. I look up between the buildings, the height of them making me dizzy. The ring on my finger glistens in the neon lights of a bar a little further down the street. The pavement is wet from the fresh rain that cooled the city. I shiver, looking around me again. Hopefully, something will look familiar.

"Hey, you lost?" A deep voice asks. I turn to face the person speaking. Squinting, I can tell he's blond. Definitely American. He smiles at me, his eyes making a quick sweep of my body before meeting my own. I pout.

"I think so?" I tilt my head, looking around again.

"I can help you get somewhere more familiar if you'd like?" He offers. I smiled but shake my head.

"No, thank you." I say. I might be drunk but I'm not stupid. He frowns at me.

"Dude, you're absolutely wasted. Are you sure you don't need help?" He grabs my arm to steady me. "We can get to the ball park and I'll leave you alone. It'll probably seem more familiar to you." I shake his hand off.

"Get off me, creep." I say loudly, just in case someone is near by. He rolls his eyes.

"Fine." He pushes past me, almost knocking me to the ground. I sigh, yawning widely. I should probably call TaeHyung to help me, but asking him scares me. What would I even say? To get me because I am too stupid to know where I am? I can't.

I pace around, weighing my options. Both ways will disappoint him. No matter what I pick, I'll hear the sadness in his voice. I pull my phone from my pocket, dialing his number. The phone is answered on the first ring.

"Hobi?" He asks, I can hear the worry laced in his tone.

"TaeHyung?" I speak into the phone, whispering into it so that no one else can hear.

"HoSeok, where are you?" His voice answers clearly through the phone. I look around me again.

"I don't know." I admit, sinking to the ground. I pull my knees to my chest. "I was drinking  and I got lost and now I'm really lost!" I start to cry. There's no way to not cry when drunk and lost.

"Turn your location on. I'll come get you." I can hear his keys jingle. I continue to cry, though.

"I'm so sleepy!" I whine, wiping at my eyes. "And everyone likes my cute butt so I can't even sleep!"

"Don't lay down, Hobi." TaeHyung says quickly. "Don't even sit down. I'm coming to get you."

"TaeHyung, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, baby. I see where you're at I'll be there in just a little bit. Keep talking to me." I hear him yawn and the rustle of his jacket. I talk to him through the phone, trying to stay awake despite how tired I am. When my sentences start to drop off and my eyes start closing he speaks again. "I am almost there, stay awake."

TaeHyung taps my shoulder, and I startle awake. He smiles at me before taking my hands and pulling me to my feet. I pout, letting him pull my legs up and around his waist. My arms wrap round his neck as his arms loop under my thighs to support me.

"What did I tell you about drinking alone?" He asks, starting to walk in the direction of our apartment.

"Not to do it." I mumble, burying my cold nose into his neck.

"HoSeok, you can't go out by yourself. It's too dangerous." He scolds me. "And you told me you were going to NamJoon's. This is not it. Anything could happen to you out here."

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