(Requested) Charlie x male robotic demon

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*Requested By: Edgelord017*

(Y/n) didn't know if he truly belonged here as much as Charlie said he did. He was purely a demon but also of metal and that left a great amount of doubt circulating in his mind if he truly could go to heaven.

"(Y/n) what are you doing?" Charlie asked with childish excitement at an idea brewing in her mind.

Charlie was bouncing off the walls and happy to see (Y/n) and walked over to where he sat at the bar. Trying to act cool and casual Charlie hopped up and sat on the bar next to (Y/n) and gave him a cheerful smile

"Just...thinking." (Y/n) said looking down at his hands studying the intricate metal and the underlying wires and circuits.

"What about?" Charlie asked as she leaned towards him to look at his hand with him.

"Nothing important." (Y/n) said with a smile as he looked up at Charlie trying to seem cheerful which Charlie didn't buy though she didn't say anything.

She knew (Y/n) didn't talk about his feelings and it was hard to get him to talk but she was not going to give up trying.

She will have to ask about it later.

"So..I was wondering.." Charlie started to ask as she looked away with a slight blush.

"Your wondering about...?" (Y/n) urged on confused why was she acting cagey all of a sudden?

"Iwaswonderingifyouwantedtogotoadancewithme!" Charlie blurted out suddenly startling (Y/n) his red glowing eyes widening as he blushed though Charlie could not see it on his metal face.

Charlie looked away a little embarrassed.

"My parents are having a ball and they wanted me to go..and I need a date so I thought of you.." Charlie muttered looking up at him 

"Me? I ain't much for high society darlin' You don't want me at a ball Charlie, Alastor would be a better choice. Besides, I-I'm not..." (Y/n) motioned at himself referring to the metal muscles and armor.

"But I do! I don't want to go with anyone else. Besides alastor would just be creepy even for my dad's standards." Charlie joked making (Y/n) let out a chuckle making Charlie smile as she softly held (Y/n) hands in hers rubbing her thumb over the warm metallic knuckles

"Please (Y/n)?" Charlie pleaded with him looking into his eyes with hope and admiration.

(Y/n) caved he could never be able to say no to Charlie, saying no to her was like kicking a puppy damn near impossible to willingly do.

Looking left and right to make sure no-one was pranking him he looked down with a sigh then up at her.

"You make it hard to say no to you." (Y/n) muttered as he nodded

"So is that a yes?" Charlie said smiling.

"Yes that a yes." (Y/n) said with a smile.

Charlie squealed with joy as she leapt up to wrap her arms around him in a hug surprising him. 

Shocked for a moment (Y/n) hesitantly put his hand on her back then melted into the hug and wrapped his arms around her gently returning the hug.

Charlie rested her chin on his shoulder as she smiles loving the embrace.

As they slowly released each other charlie smiled at (Y/n) and spoke.

"I'm gonna go pick out a dress for tomorrow! I hope you got something nice to wear." Charlie said smiling clearly beaming with joy making (Y/n) cringe in uncertainty.

--Hazbin Hotel -- Charlie x Male reader oneshots! AUs! and scenarios!Where stories live. Discover now