Headcanon 27

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    The girls of the Argo II went shopping. They needed more supplies, and they all thought they needed out anyway. The boys figured that the girls would be better shoppers than them. They were. They bought clothes, first-aid supplies, candy, and ice cream–dairy-free so Frank could have some, too–, and Annabeth got a new pair of combat boots to make up for the shoes she had worn in Tartarus, which were ruined and had been burned by Leo. Piper ripped down any posters she saw for her dad's movies, and there were a LOT of them. Hazel enjoyed the nice weather, and Annabeth simply enjoyed the fresh air, which she no longer took for granted. It was fun and relaxing and the girls loved it.

PJO HeadcanonsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora