Headcanon 26

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   All twelve Olympians–except for Dionysus, Aphrodite, Apollo and Artemis–were trapped in a schizophrenia. It was awful. It had been much worse for Athena than it had been for anyone else. Up until three days ago. Three days ago, her daughter, her beloved, favorite living child, had recovered the Athena Parthenos. But at a terrible cost. Athena couldn't help but remember the last words she had said to Annabeth. 'You are no child of mine.' The thought chilled her now that she had herself somewhat together again, knowing that she'd probably never see her child again. Poseidon was suffering too, thinking about Percy. Athena had never liked Jackson, but, given that he'd no doubt basically sacrificed his own life so Annabeth wouldn't be alone, she had to admit he was probably the best boyfriend her daughter could have. And he was powerful. Athena knew the young couple would need all the strength they could have to survive Tartarus. She had felt the jolt when Annabeth and Percy landed. They had somehow managed to survive the landing. Meanwhile, all Athena could do was hope that they made it out alive. She had never felt so powerless in all of her immortal life.

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