Chapter 25 (Mary-Kate)

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"PIZZA" Alex, Sam, Peter and I all shouted when our meat lover pizza came to our table, I wish James could be here but well hanging out with these three is really amazing, Sam's mom is the one who owns this small little pizza shop called Firebrick Pizzeria. It's actually where James brought me for our first date, we got the table right next to the brick oven where they make all the pizza, today we are sitting on the other side of the room. I grabbed the biggest slice of pizza putting it on my plate taking the garlic butter sauce and pouring some onto my plate and stated eating my slice.

"I swear she doesn't breath when she eats." I heard Peter say while I went to my second piece already.

"Have you learned not to question her eating habits?" Alex said hitting Peter up side the head causing me to laugh and stated to choke on my food.

"This isn't good" Sam said and started hitting my back to keep me from chocking. It wan't helping very much actually making it worse. I blacked out hitting my head on the table.

I woke up finding myself in a hospital bed. I sat up finding Fuzzy, Running man andScience dude all sitting on a couch in the room and I felt someone holding onto my hand finding my King, James, next to me, wait I thought he was grounded. I looked up at the clock it said 1, from the looks of it on the outside it has to be 1 in the morning. How long was I out? Lets see it was about 3 in the afternoon when we stated eating so I've been out for about 11 hours, wow they must have been freaking out so badly with me out for this long. "Glad your able to get some rest" I said and kissed James's forehead and started to slip my hand away but he held onto it even tighter.

"MK?" I heard his sleepy voice said and his head pick up.

"Hey baby, go back to sleep I'll be here when you wake up" I said squeezing his hand tightly.

"MK!" He shot to be awake even more now, okay why do I have a feeling I was out for more than the 11 hours I predicted.

"James your probably just hallucinating again." Alex said still sleeping.

"He's not hallucinating" I said and all the guys were awake within seconds each one hugging me tightly.

"Don't freak us out like that again!" Sam said I could tell he was crying.

"How long was I out?" I asked they wouldn't be this freaked out if it was only 11 hours.

"A week, none of us left your side ever" James said "when Peter came pounding on the door my mom told him I was grounded and can't hang out but when he told her that you were in the hospital my mom let me go."

"Choking wouldn't have made you pass out for a week straight is there something else we should know?" Fuzzy said.

"You guys know all my secrets, my dad beat me, I'm always hungry, I haven't eaten a full meal in well now 5 weeks 6 if you count the week I sleep though, my birthday is July 4th my mom died giving birth to me and thats my life, I think I would remember if there was anything else you needed to know" I said seriously why do they think something else is wrong.

"Princess you can tell me" James said.

"There's noting to tell now if you will excuse me I want food" I said and looked for food finding none, the one time I want food it's no were to be found.

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