Chapter 8 (James)

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Peter, Mary-Kate and I had all gone to Cowbells to get ice cream, and Mary-Kate had ordered something that wasn't on the board at all but it looked amazing. After we had ordered I was tired of saying Mary-Kate all the time so I just shortened it to MK and when I found out she never had a nickname before well it doesn't seem right. It also was pretty sad when I had found out her mom died and she pretty much never sees her dad. I do wonder what she had said never mind to. When she had shot up saying she had to go home I was kinda disappointed I wanted us all to hang out even more but I guess all good things come to an end. So we all drove back to her house "Bye, MK" I said as she grabbed her backpack and flute.

"Goodbye guy's and you better do your homework tonight, I'm checking in the morning" she said and hopped of "oh and thanks for the ride and the ice cream" she hopped out and ran inside.

"Band geeks are cooler than I thought they were" Peter said as I backed out.

"She does seem pretty cool" I wonder if all of them are like that" I said and we headed back to our homes.

"Well, we know she is so probably the others as well, why don't we see her at any parties?" Peter asked me and the answer is that she's a band member no band member has ever been to a party thrown by anyone other than another band member unless they were family. "Oh wait I just figured it out, never mind."

"What class did you need tutoring in?" I asked him.

"History" he said, "man these history lessons are going to be fun for me now, we have football teams in famous battles it's just hilarious.

"Well, wanna come over to my house and figure out the rest of this work?" I asked we both don't like don't work by ourselves, we'll do our work if we work with someone else doing the same work.

"Sure" he said and we just listen to the radio the rest of the way home. We had both gone into my house and did our homework at the kitchen table, my dad was asleep on the couch like always and my mom was in the master bedroom.

"I really think they are going to get the divorce" I said and we both started on our work, we only had five questions left, both math, that one its not very easy to put in sport form but she tried her best with it and it still made some since.

"Yeah, I wasn't going to say anything but now you said it I don't see a reason to hide it" Peter said and we both did our work.

We both had finished at the same time and Peter went home and I had taken a shower, then went to bed.

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