Chapter 5 (Mary-Kate)

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I taught the football team all day changing everything to sports related that I could, now I think they will always remember my history lesson that was very interesting, I had football teams fighting in the Revolutionary War and that kind of stuff, I can't believe I actually taught like that, I had made Alex stop running after three hours, I don't think he's going to back talk me anytime soon or any of them for that matter. I had also given guys assignments for tonight along with my phone number so they can ask me after school for help if needed, but I didn't give them any papers till after lunch so I could completely rework them, so I could put them in sports terms. Now though I was at marching band practice and the football players were at football practice, even though I don't think Alex needs to run anymore today thanks to me. I fell in step perfectly with each beat.

When we finished practice I cleaned out my flute and went to start walking home, finding that football practice finished at the same time we did since the football players were all climbing into their cars along with band members, I was the only one who was walking home.

"Mary-Kate need a ride?" I heard some guy shout at me and I turned to look for who it was but I couldn't figure it out, there were to many people, then I placed it, it was James Peer.

"I'm fine not that far" I said lying I had to walk about five miles to get home.

"I insist" he said and I walked over to him, seeing he had Peter in his car already.

"I'm fine I promise it's only five miles it's nothing" I said not meaning to say the five miles part.

"Get in" he said and opened the back door for me but I just shook my head no "Peter she has to walk five miles help me get her in" he said inside the truck and Peter just hopped right out picking me up and put me in the back seat as if I weighed nothing. "Where to?" he asked once they both got in and locked the doors.

"I can walk, I walk it everyday, except for when Mr. Charters can give me a ride, so I'll be fine" I said it was more along the lines of I don't want them to know where I live.

"I shall not let you walk" he said starting up the car. I quickly texted Mr. Charters to tell him that James won't let me walk going to end up at your house see you.

"Fine 15245 West Bellow, RD" I said giving them Mr. Charter's house he agreed that if someone won't let me walk that he would let me go to his house and he will take me home later. I knew his wife wouldn't mind either since she really cares about everyone.

"Off we go" James and Peter both said like major idiots and started driving to Mr. Charter's house. During the ride I zoned out because the guys were just talking about football and not talking to me. I guess I didn't relies how tired I was because I had fallen asleep in the back seat. Having the worst dream ever

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