Chapter 23 (Mary-Kate)

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It's now time for the court case, Jones vs. Jones I'm not looking forward to this at all. Sam, Alex, and Peter are all inside but well I have no clue about James, I hope he's in there but at the same time I hope he's not. My dad and his lawyer were being brought in first I could hear them introduce my dad and the lawyer next was me and mine, walked in right behind the lawyer seeing that James was in there, well this shall be fun. I stayed standing while the judge came in and made sure none of the jury knew any of us, James's mom was up there but I met her for like 3 seconds, and she probably would remember me anyway. "Okay this is a child abuse case, so lets get this started, Mr. Cord call your first witness to the stand" the judge said Mr. Cord was my dad's lawyer.

"Thank you your honor I'd like to call Mr. Jones to the stand. Of course my dad got up and got sworn in and took his seat at the witness stand "Mr. Jones is this your daughter?" What kind of question was that.

"I have no clue I don't remember much before I was arrested for nothing" my dad said looking at my confused " I think she is, she looks exactly like my wife that died."

"So your saying this young girl could be lying about even being related to you" he said I'm so close to screaming at them already.

"Thats right."

"If this is her do you remember beating her anyway?"

"Not at all sir, I don't remember any of that at all. I would never lay a finger on someone I love."

"Bull fucking shit" I said without even thinking, "thats full of crap."

"Quiet, your attorney will have his chance to speak" the judge said and I bit my lip trying not say anything else.

Mr. Cord finished asking his questions and had covered all of the ones my guy was going to ask so Mr. Cord called up his next witness to the stand, me. I got sworn in and I took my seat.

"Ms. Jones you claim this man if your father correct" he said.

"You know it" I said without my voice changing the slittiest bit from being cold towards him.

"How do we know that he is your father truly?"

"Why would I file a report on being beaten, if he wasn't really even related to me?"

"Why are you giving me sass?"

"Why are you a lawyer?"

"Are you going to comply?"

"Is your nose crocked?"

"I give up with her, Mr. Son your turn" Mr. Cord said sitting down and my lawyer got up.

"Ms. Jones, are you going to comply for me?"

"You know I will, and call me Mary-Kate, or MK, Ms. Jones makes me sound old." I said sweetly.

"Well, Mary-Kate, would you mind showing the court your back, arms, and neck?" He said and of course I got right up and took off the shrug I was wearing and turned around showing my back where everyone could see the scars all over my back then I rolled up my sleeves so they could see the scars around my arms, and I whipped the makeup off of my neck showing a huge bruise that had happened 2 days ago. "Will you please tell the court where all of those marks came from and when."

"Of course, but restrain those 4 guys in the back first please" I said and the judge laughed and I looked at him with a serious face, "I wasn't kidding, they will try to hurt my dad if you don't."

"Okay, then restrain the four guys" the judge said and 4 different officers pulled Sam, James, Peter, and Alex all back into their seats and would let them stand.

"Thanks, okay now this long one that wraps all around my arm here" I said pointing to the scar on my right arm, "I got the day I turned 1 when it all started, he had been drinking nonstop fired from his job and had nothing but me, he picked me up from my babysitter completely drunk, my babysitter wasn't going to let me go with him but he knocked her out what I thought, but he had killed and took me with him and he yelled at me that he will show me how worthless I am and he took off his belt and wrapped it around my arm pulling it as tight as he can and would hit me, now this one that runs straight down was 4 days later he wouldn't take me back to my babysitter, that's when I had ended up figure out she had died from his hands, I was walking around care free, when he broke his beer bottle and dragged it across my arm." I continued telling them all everything that happened in order they happened, thank you edenic memory, "now down to the last two, "now this one that goes all across my back was two days before I went to the police I got home hoping he was asleep but he wasn't and he threw his bottle of whiskey at me and it had broken on the wall, then he yelled at me to clean it up so I started cleaning, then he dragged me into the living room before I had finished pulling out one of his knifes, I had thought I got rid of them all but I guess I missed one, he cut my shirt off of me and stated cutting my back along that line over and over again, I was in so much pain he ended up passing out during it with me under him, I got out of him and tended to the wound, I put on a shirt and went to bed after dumping out all the alcohol in the house like every night. Now this bruise on my neck is from 2 days ago, he found out where I was staying and snuck in in the middle of the night and started strangling me, if I would have been so fearful for myself and keep a knife under my pillow he would have killed me."

"Will there be any trace of it on your father to show you had used the knife?"

"Yes, check his left shoulder blade down to his right bottom rib, there will be a shallow but yet fresh cut." I said the guys were trying to jump out of their seats so they pulled out of the room.

"Objection!" Mr. Cord said.

"Over ruled" the judge said, "Mr. Jones take off your shirt to show everyone if there is a cut there." My dad took off his shirt and sure enough there was.

"That's all my questions for you Mary-Kate" Mr. Son said. "are you sure you don't have any more questions Mr. Cord?"

"She won't comply no matter what so what's the point."

"You may step down, Ms. Jones, any more witnesses Mr. Cord?"

"I rest my case." he said.

"Mr. Son do you have anymore?" the judge asked.

"No sir I rest my case as well" Mr. Son said and the jury went to deliberate.

After about 30 minutes they all came back in, and one guy stood up "your honor we find the defendant guilt."

"We sentience you to never be aloud to see Mary-Kate ever if you come within 500 feet of her you will be sent to jail and 30 years in jail." The judge said, "Now Ms. Jones please come back to my chambers I need to talk with you" the judge said "court adjured." With that I went with the judge to her chambers while the guys try to follow me they were still restrained. "Mary-Kate do you know any of your mother's family?"

"No, I don't sir, my mother died giving birth to me" I said sadly, I wish I did know some of her family.

"Well, do you know her maiden name?" he asked and I shook my head no, "do you know when she was born?"

"Yes, and no, I know the day but not the year she was born on July 4, the same day I was." I said looked down at my feet.

"Well here let me see if we can figure out some family," he said pulling up records on his computer and typed in my mom's first name, Alison, and put in her birth date without the year and my birthday pulling up anyone that was born with the name Alison and died on my birthday of child birth, the only one that pulled up was Alison Charters... Mr. Charter's sister who died 17, almost 18 years ago.

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