Chapter 12 (James)

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It's homecoming game day, and well I haven't even worked up the courage to ask MK to the dance. We have a pep rally today and well every football players had to wear their jerseys but I had a jacket on, I always have one just in case MK gets cold. Sometimes I just crank up the AC to make sure she needs one, so I can give her mine. Peter and I were on our way to get her when we got a call from Sam "Hey Sammy boy, your on speaker with James and I whats up?" Peter said he always answers my phone when we are in the car the exact same way.

"We had gotten food for everyone but my car broke down at Burger King, can you guys come get us" Sam said his car has been having trouble lately but it should have been fine after Peter looked at it yesterday, I wonder what happened.

"Yeah sure we will get you before we get MK, she won't get mad if you have food for her" I said when he ways everyone we all know MK gets her own huge bag full, she can eat a lot.

"Thanks guys, wait I get to see where she lives for once yay" Sam said.

"Dude you so treat her like a little sis just like me" Peter laughed he really did treat MK like a sister she is like a sister to everyone on the team but me with having that crush on her.

"Alex is scared of her" Sam said.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked.

"I thought we were naming things that were obvious" Sam said.

"True that is very true. We will see you when we get there" Peter said and hung up the phone.

We quickly went to get Sam and Alex and when we got there the guys were done eating their food and Alex was holding a bag of food over his head from Sam.

We had headed to MK's house, when we had gotten there MK was very school spirited today. When I saw on her cheek she had my number it made extremely happy, even though I know it was just a normal MK, Sam Let her into the back and she took my jacket and hid herself in it. When I had reached back and grabbed her hand I completely forgot that the others were in the car but then I remembered that they were in the car and took my hand back, and I just heard crumbling of a bag after that it's clear they have given her food.

We quickly got out to the school after that and we all had got out of the car, we didn't want to get separated from MK, "Bye you guys" MK said and ran off to the band room and the rest of us went to the field house.

"MK didn't come with you guys?" Coach asked confused he knows that the five of us hang out all the time and that Peter and I give her rides to school.

"No, she's in the band room to get ready for the rally" I said I was sad about that I wanted to be able to talk with her more.

"We deserve her more though, they don't like her we treat her like a sister" Cory said he was like a older brother to her even though he's younger then her.

"I know but she is a band member after all" I pouted and we started getting riled up for the game like always, it was different than normal without MK here she would be running beside us well she was always ahead of us, she can run, everything about her being here made it better.

After about 20 minutes we all headed down to the gym for the rally it was one of the best things today other than the game because I'll be able to see MK.

When we walked in the band started playing, the cheerleaders were doing their cheers, the dance teem was dancing, and the crowd was going wild. I quickly glanced at the band and saw MK and I couldn't help but smile. We all went to are seats and everything quieted down it was time for the games.

"Okay everyone to start this off we need a volunteer from every grade" Mr. Charters said after he got the microphone from someone that had a microphone.

We were going against the Bulls this year so we had a ring toss game where we had to get a hula hoop around the head of a fake bull, a hay stack with a bull head on it.

The Seniors won that round and we had another game come up where it was a bean bag toss that was thrown at someone dressed up like a bull, Juniors one again, we only ever have 2 games.

After the games the Cheerleaders came up and did their routine as did the dance team. If figured we would do the spirit cries and then go back to class but the cheerleaders came back to the middle, "Okay everyone we are going to do one more quick little game, now we need one person from each grade, lets see you with the blue and white striped shirt, you with the blue hair, you with the silver face paint, and you Mary-Kate" it was the head cheerleader that was calling everyone down, why did she take MK no one ever picks from the band or the football team it's never happened before now. MK and the others came down and each one was handed a microphone, "Okay now this is a singing competition, we are going to play a song and you have to sing it what ever one rocks it out the best wins" she said and they walked over to the stereo and started playing Something About a Truck, all of them were singing perfectly fine but MK she was just standing there freaking out.

I couldn't stand looking at her like that after a minute and I looked at Sam, Peter, and Alex, "follow my lead" I said and stood up and shouted, "You can do it MK," then continued shouting MK and the others followed my lead including the rest of the football team.

MK just looked at all of us smiling then she mouthed thank you and started singing softly and then gradually getting louder. Her singing voice was much different from what everyone had expected most of the time band members cant sing but she could it was amazing.

After the pep rally the seniors won the sprit stick and everyone was in class.

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