Chapter 11 (Mary-Kate)

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It's the week of homecoming...wait a better way to put it is it's the day of the game! Today's theme is school spirit like always, and Mr. Charters let us participate in spirit day. I had fallen asleep over at his house last night since the guys didn't get me home till like 2 in the morning, Mr. Charter's wasn't to happy about that but oh well. The guys also offered to pick me up since they won't be able to see me till the end of the day since I was also asked to help out in the special needs room after the pep rally, the guys were all sad when I said I wouldn't be there, Running Man, Fuzzy, King, and Science dude, but well hey we are going to have a bast after the game and since I get a ride to school I don't have to walk. To be the most school spirited person in the school, I had talked Mr. Charters into buying me silver and blue tule, ribbon, and face paint, just for today. I turned the tule into a tutu, and headband, the tutu was very poofy on me so it was fun to mess with, I also had a pair of black leggings on, a blue shirt where I cut the sleeves off and put it back together with the ribbon and had a black tank top on under neath, blue tennis shoes, and I sad SWHS painted on one cheek and on the other I had the number 80 on the other cheek, James's number, Every week I have one of the guy's numbers I bounce through the 4 and this week was James, witch I'm happy about and sad about at the same time, I knew that James wouldn't have ever asked me to homecoming but I really hoped he would have, I'm sure he's going with like the head cheerleader or something. So I'm not even going to go even if I already had a ticket.

I was pulling my hair into 2 high ponytails on both sides of my head and tied them up with a silver and blue ribbons. I keep looking for the guys but I couldn't see them so I pulled out my phone and called James, he answered on the second ring "Hey, your on speaker" I heard Peter's voice say, "Sam, James, and Alex are all in the car."

"Hey boy's where you at you said you would pick me up today" I asked my voice had a little playful tone to it.

"Sorry MK, we are rounding your street now, it took longer than expected since Sam and Alex's cars broke down." James said, "we had to go pick them up, plus we got you some food."

"FOOD!" I shouted happily, "what kinda food?"

"We heard that from where we are and you will have to wait to find out" Sam said and hung up on me so I was now in pouting mode, I want food now.

The guys pulled up in front of my house shortly after and I threw my backpack and flute into the trunk where everyone else's bags were as well. I was freezing, but sadly I didn't have a jacket at Mr. Charter's house so there was no helping that. Sam got out of the back so I could be in the middle, sad part about being the smallest, I climbed in and was still freezing, including the fact that they had the air conditioner on and they were all in jackets "please tell me one of you will be nice right now and let me take your jacket for now, I'm freezing right now," I said and instantly all four of them took off their jackets and handed them to me, "Thank you" I said and took James's jacket and put it on, it was fluffy and warm on the inside, blue like the rest of the stuff I'm wearing, and practically swallowed me whole, but I didn't care it smelled like him, he's probably never going to get this jacket back, I zipped it up with my knees inside of it where you could just see the bottom of my tutu.

"No problem, now why do I have a feeling I'm not going to get that back" James said as he pulled out of the drive way.

"Because I'm a girl in a guy's jacket that swallows me whole, why would you get it back, no matter who's jacket I took I wouldn't have given it back" I said sweetly

"Every girl response" Sam said and gave me a hug "hey it's James's number this week" he said seeing my cheek.

"Now remember I do have like five of each of your jackets, well now six of James's jackets" I said and keep myself warm by pulling the hood of my head and it completely covered my face.

"Well, we don't want you to get sick" James said and reached into the back and grabbed onto my hand and squeezed it and took it back to the front, witch well just made my face bright red, I'm glad I was hidden by his jacket and I felt a bag be set on top of my head and I pulled it into the little bulge of me and the hoodie.

"We are going to miss you today girl, do you have to help out the kids?" Peter asked me knowing that after school I have to go home to get ready for the game and Mr. Charters is going to take me to the game, and the guys will probably take me home.

"Yes, I promised I would and I don't go back on my promises" I said and we pulled up to the school and all of us climbed out and pulled all of our bags out of the back and I also grabbed my flute.

"We will see you later MK" James said and each of the guys gave me a hug goodbye, James was last.

"I'll see you at the pep rally" I said and ran off to the band room while the guys headed off to the field house.

It took about 15 minutes after the bell rang for all of the band members to be called into the gym, I had put James's jacket in Mr. Charters office along with my flute case.

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