Chapter 17 (Mary-Kate)

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After the game I still haven't told the guys I won't be able to hang out with them after the game. I'm really not looking forward to their reaction, especially James's I mean he just asked me to home coming and wants to hang out with me and I'm about to break plans we have, I'm really not looking forward to this, I wonder if someone would do it for me instead. James came running up to me still smiling like crazy "Hey come on let's go everyone's waiting" he said grabbing my hand.

"James's I'm not going tonight, I have something I have, no need, to do right now, Mr. Charters and wife are going to take me to do it," I said and pulled my hand from his.

"Did I already do something wrong? If I did I'm sorry, I'll take you instead, you know I will" he seemed lost as he pleaded with me not still hang out with him more tonight.

"You didn't do anything wrong, and this is something that I don't want you to know about, please understand" I said and had taken both his hands in mine.

"MK, please tell, me I don't know how to help you if you won't tell me" he said I could tell he was about to start crying.

"James look at me," I said but he refused to look at me he just looked at the ground I think he forgot that I'm so much shorter then him, I just wrapped my arms around him and hugged him his head was still over mine without even touching mine still but I could feel his breath on the top of my head, "I'll tell you when its safe for me to, I promise."

As soon as the word safe fell out of my mouth, I wanted to take it back, he's never going to let me leave his site I can almost promise you this. "What do you mean by safe?" he asked looking me straight in the eyes I could tell he was worried.

"I can't tell you yet, please understand, I don't want to drag you to far into this" I said, "it's already to dangerous enough for you and the other's by just talking to me."

"I don't understand," I could see tears forming in his eyes, it pains me to see him like this but it's for the best.

"Listen I have to go, but if you get a message from me saying not to come and get me for the dance, don't, I won't be home, I'm not sure on where I'll be but I won't be home and won't be home for a while, I might be in to much pain to even go to the dance. Just go and have fun without me, I'll be fine, everything will be fine, I'll talk to you later tonight, I hope" I stood on my toes and kissed his forehead and ran off before he could grab me and ask more question.

I had climbed into Mr. Charter's jeep and we had driven off into the side of town where my dad is. I hope he's asleep. It didn't take us long to get there and I looked in the window from the car and I could see him passed out on the floor, "I'll be back in a few" I said getting out of the car and running inside.

I was quiet while grabbing everything of mine, or my mothers out of the house, or anything of value. I made sure I had everything and I saw there was still five bottles of whisky sitting by his chair so I grabbed them all and poured them out in the back yard like always.

After I made one last check around the house I threw a blanket on my dad and ran out with my three bags and back to Mr. Charter's car and hopped into the back seat "I got everything with value, or that is mine or my mother's, I'd hate to leave it with him" I said and held the bag that had my mother's stuff and valuables close to me.

"We wish you luck Mary-Kate" Mr. Charters said driving off to his house, I just pulled our my phone once we were off the street and texted James.

Hey I'm so sorry about today, I hope I can tell you soon.

You can always tell me anything it just hurts that your not trusting me with this information now.

I don't want to hurt you, I want to keep you safe from my messed up life.

I can't stand not knowing whats wrong.

James I hate that I'm keeping this from you but trust me its something that I can't share with you until it's completely over, it's be happening since I was little, I just need to go through with it and I'll tell you everything thing is done.

I'll only accept it if you give me a kiss tomorrow before we go to the dance TOGETHER.

Deal, I already know I'll be good for the dance, finished part one of many.

In that case I'm helping with the others!

You will help with what I tell you I need help with.

It better be it all.

It might be it might not be, I know I'll need a shoulder to cry on sometimes for sure and that will be yours, I promise.

I don't like that I know your going through something where your not safe and you won't let me help you: (

I understand, I would feel the same way....

Then why are you doing this to me?

Because if you knew what was going on you could be put in jail...

That's making me freak out even more! You just told me you could get put in JAIL!

That's not what I said, I said if you knew what was going on YOU could be like anyone who knows before I tell who I'm going to do tomorrow, I'm having to do this part by myself, for sure.

I don't like it MK, you know I will do anything for you.

I know you would:) now just promise me you will behave please 0:)

Can I just go with you for the ride but stay in the car till your done?

No because you will freak out even more when you see where I need to go.

Then fine I'll behave for now, just for now.

Thank you:)

No problem sweetheart.

Your to sweet, I'm nothing special just a band geek.

Don't say that your just a band geek, your the most beautifulest girl in the world, who I've ever or will ever lay eyes on, your the reason I wake up every morning, there's not a day or time where your not on my mind, I love the way you correct my grammer and spelling, how you can out run me and all the guys, how you eat like you haven't eaten in days, how you don't care what others think of you, how you can read for hours on end without stopping. I'm in love with this band geek you say is nothing special but you are the greatest thing in the world to me.

I love you too <3 *grammar, and now I'm blushing like crazy thanks to all of that thanks a lot @_@

....Really you really had to correct that right then didn't you

It's one of the reason you said you love me :p watch your spelling and grammar if you are going to say that's one of the things you love about me.

That's is insted of saying correcting my seplling and grammar I'm going to say I love your brain.

*Instead *spelling and you know you do I'm really smart :p

We continued texting and I had keep correcting his grammar his fault for that. I ended up falling asleep with my phone on my face in the middle of a text.

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