How was my innocent mind supposed to know that

Start from the beginning

And true to what I said earlier, they were making out. Quinn had Evan pinned down on the rock, Evan's arms wrapped around Quinn's shoulders. The two kissing each other's faces off. So much for being in a not too serious relationship.

I coughed. "Get a room." I mumbled before coughing again.

They both jerked upwards, their faces flushed red. Quinn looked down in embarrassment while Evan smiled at me. He beckoned me over to the rock.

I sat down, keeping a small smirk on my face. Their blushes only increasing. I laughed again.

"You two are too cute together," I told them.

"Awe thank you Damien," Evan said with a big smile.

"How are you two doing?" I asked, laying down on the rock.

"School's shit, home's shit, everything's shit," Quinn said with a sigh.

"What does that mean?" Evan asked in an exasperated manner. He flopped backwards onto the rock with a pout.

"You don't know what shit means?" I asked in shock, propping myself up on one elbow.

"No!" Evan pouted. "And no one will tell me what it means!"

"Nah, lets keep you innocent," I laughed.

"No ones gonna tell you," Quinn agreed.

"Can't I just look it up?" Evan pondered aloud.

"Well you could," I said. "But where's the fun in being ruined."

"I don't know," Evan said, frowning again. "Why do I have to be the innocent one?"

"Cause I'm too emo and Damien's too punk," Quinn said with a laugh.

"I don't think I'm truly punk," I said. "But I'm definitely not innocent like either of you two."

"Well my life is going pretty good," Evan said to change the subject. "Amazing boyfriend. Great best friend. School isn't good, but it's better then nothing. And I've finally mastered cello!"

Ouch. Friend zone. 'Great best friend'.

"And that only took you what?" Quinn laughed. "A few weeks? You're a musical genius."

"Awe thank you Quinn," Evan giggled, giving him a quick kiss.

Another stab of jealousy jolted through me. I felt it deep my stomach. I don't like the feeling. I just want to sweep both of them into my arms and kiss them.

"How's your life been?" Quinn asked me.

"Mas or menos," I said in the little amount of Spanish I know.

"Oh!" Evan said excitedly. "Tú habla español? Hablo español pero...seite años. Soy practico con Quinn pero ello es muy estuoido. Pero ello es muy muy guapo y muy me gusta Quinn."

(Translation - You speak spanish? I speak Spanish years. I practice with Quinn but he is very stupid. But he is very, very handsome and I like Quinn very much.)

"I have no clue what you just said," I laughed. Evan and Quinn laughed too.

"Sorry, you just said something in Spanish and I thought you could speak it too so I instantly launched into speaking it," Evan laughed awkwardly. "I'm multilingual so it happens sometimes."

"How many languages do you speak now?" Quinn asked. "I know bits and pieces, mostly songs, in French and Spanish because of Evan."

"I am fluent in Spanish, English, French, Mandarin, and Italian," Evan paused a bit to think. "And I know a little in Latin, German and Portuguese."

"Wow," Was all I could say. "I'm fluent in English...that's it." Evan started laughing more. "How do you even know all those languages?"

"Well some people just have a nack for it," Evan said with a shrug. "But I can take semester courses of almost every language at my school with extremely good teachers."

"I will never be smart enough for that," I laughed.

"Same," Quinn agreed with a laugh.

"Oh my goodness!" Evan squealed suddenly, making Quinn jump. "I completely forgot something!"

"Why don't you take a break from bursting our ear drums and tell us," I said in a joking manner.

"I made a new friend!" Evan said happily. "I met him yesterday at the coffee shop. He was kinda weird but he was really nice."

"What's his name?" Quinn asked.

"His name is Remus," Evan said with an excited smile.

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