Dare: Sunshine becomes Meme Aware

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Andrea- Good evening, everybody! This is Andrea the Espeon and the writer of the story: Juliet the Shipeon!

Juliet- Hewo! Thanks for starting us off, Andrea!

Andrea- No prob! Today, we've finally got ourselves a-


Speed- Kris, you really need to stop doing that...

Crystal- No way! *winks*

Juliet- As we were saying, welcome back to the Eeveelutions Squad's Truth or Dare; hosted by me and our sponsor, Andrea!

Andrea- Mm-hm! Today, we have ourselves our first real dare!

Eeveelutions Squad- Yay!

Sunshine- What is it, what is it, what is it?

Silvia- *uses Baby-doll eyes* Pleaaaaase?

Black- Aww- I mean.... I-uh... I'll just go now.

Pearl- Enough with the theatrics. What's the dare?

Juliet- It's from our Guest Star (and their OC) Eclipse_The_Cat!

Juliet- Their dare was for Sunshine the Eevee to T-Pose at everybody!

Leaf- Eevee! Did you hear? You get to be in the dare!

Sunshine- Aye! But.. What's a T-Pose?

Black+Crystal+Vixen- My time has come.

Black- Don't worry, Sunshine. We'll teach you everything we know.

Vixen- About memes!

Crystal- And vines!

Black-  And social media!

Together- Yeah! *high five each other*

Crystal- *pulls out iPhone 11 Pro Max*

Crystal- Ok, Sunny. First thing's first, we gotta get you one of these.

Pearl- Hang on a second! Where did you get the money for that?

Crystal- Umm... From Speed's wallet?

Speed- WHAT? Sis, that's stealing! How much did it cost?

Black- Well, they're only about 80000 Poké...

Speed- CRYSTAL! That's what I earn in a whole month!

Crystal- I'm sorry! I'll pay it back...

Speed- You better!

Lazuli- *looks up from Wings of Fire: Darkness of Dragons* What's with all the shouting?

Juliet- Someone bought an 80000 Poké phone...

Lazuli- *shakes head* I'll never understand some Pokémon.

Vixen- Can we forget about that for right now? We need to teach Sunshine proper culture.

Black- Mm-hm. First, let's teach you text talk, then we'll cover memes, subreddits, and vines. Lastly, we'll show you all the latest trends.

Crystal- Sounds like a plan! Let's do it!

Sunshine- *totally oblivious to what the next week will bring her*


One week later...

Sunshine- 'Sup, big-sis Vaporeon?

Crystal- Nothin'. Ya know where Black and Vixen are?

Sunshine- Nnnnnnope.

Vixen- * Naruto running toward Sunshine at full speed and bumping into her*

Sunshine- Stahp! You're gonna make me drop my croissant!

Vixen- Why you mad? Why you sad? When you can be... Glade.

Black- *wipes tear* You are now verified in Twitter, the eyes of God, and me.

Flare- Are you guys finally done training little sis- Eevee?

Sunshine- Aye!

Silvia- *rushes over* What have you done to my precious cinnamon roll?

Speed- I still don't know what that is, but is Eevee ready to "T-Pose"?

Crystal- Well, Junior? Think you're ready?

Sunshine- *gets up on hind legs*

Pearl- Watch out! That can hurt her spine if she stays like that for too long!

Vixen- Don't worry, she'll do it for 2 minutes, max.

Sunshine- Woah! *spreads front paws into a 'T' shape*

Sunshine- Daddy! I did it!

Juliet- Huh. They actually trained Eevee to do it...

Andrea- Reaction time!:

Speed- *miserably attempts to copy Sunshine*

Lazuli- Isn't that the default pose for CGI animation figures?

Crystal- Yeah, but it's a meme, now.

Vixen- This is thanks to my work.

Black- I'm so proud of her...

Pearl- Be careful!

Leaf- What's going on? Is that supposed to be offensive or something? Is it like, a new trend?

Flare- She grew up so fast... *puts arm around Leaf*

Juliet- *heart bob glows* Ship!

Juliet- Go, Sunshine!


Andrea- *doubles over in laughter*

Andrea- Ahahaha! *wipes tear* Alright, that's it. Sunshine, you can come down, now.

Sunshine- Yeet!

Silvia- Juliet? Can't you save Sunshine?

Juliet- *sigh* I hate to see this new Eevee end, but we need our innocent cinnamon roll back.

Juliet- *uses Almighty Author Power to return things to normal*

Crystal- Aw, man!

Sunshine- Big sis- Vaporeon? What happened?

Silvia- MY CINNAMON ROLL! *squeals*

Speed- Hush, Sylveon.

Andrea- That's all the time we have for this chapter!

Juliet- Yup! C'ya!

Crystal- Shoot!

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