Chapter 20

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Alana POV

I woke up and looked at the time. Shit I'm going to be late for work. I got up and kissed Nash cheek and grabbed my clothes ran out the door. I only have till 8:30 a.m and right now it's 7 a.m an it takes a while to drive to IHOP.

Chance POV

I woke very early and had some cramps and I heard a door slam. I got up and looked out the window and it was Alana in her bra and panties rushing to her car and driving off.

When I got up I didn't notice that cameron was in the bed. I went to the bathroom and saw he was on the phone with someone. Yea I'll meet you there. He said in a soft tone. I ran to the bed and got under the covers and got on my phone and tired not to act like nothing happened.

Oh your woke early. He said scratching his head nervously. Yea i had just got up cause I was having cramps. I said grabbing my glasses. Oh ok.. Mmm you want anything from the store. He asked me. Yea can you um go and get me some Starbucks and a donut. I told him.

He went into the closet and put on some clothes and grabbed his keys. Before he could leave I stopped him and told him to come here. He came to me and I told him I need to see his phone to write something down in his notes. I wrote everything that I needed and then I turned on his "Find my iPhone". He left and then I got ready and to go find out where he is going.

I put on mascara and eye liner and put my hair in a messy bun. I went to the closet and put on some clothes, which was some dark grey sweatpants and a black tank and some palm tree converses which was in black and white.

I grabbed my car keys and my glasses cause I didn't have on my contacts and my handbag. Before I left the drive way I put on find my iPhone app and put cams gmail in and it told me his location and I drove off to where he was at. I turned on the radio and my favorite song was on and it was Body Language by: kid ink,usher,and tinashe.

20 mins later

I ended up driving for kinda a long time. When I got to the location he was at I saw his car in a lot. I got out the car and found him he was talking to this girl with black hair.

I yelled his name and he turned around and I pinched his bottom lip. Ouch what was that for. He said holding his lip. It's for lying to me and not getting my stuff. I said in a angrily voice. Hey hey babe calm down I'm not cheating. He said trying to calm me down. Well who the fuck is this! Sí take off your glasses. The girl that was on the side off him toke off her glasses and I was feeling very bad for not trusting my man. Oh baby I didn't know I-I heard you in the bathroom talking on the phone but I didn't know it was Sierra. He grabbed my face and told me it's ok and kissed me.

We was trying to keep it a secret cause Sierra here was going to do something special for you. He said looking at me then Looking at Sierra to tell me. Well I was planing on giving you a party for your wedding but we are trying to wait till you give birth to my little baby girl. Sierra said in a baby voice grabbing my stomach. When she said that the baby started to move.

Cam went to his car and i went in my car and drove back home. When I opened the door all I can see is a shirtless Nash watching tv on my couch.

I just ignored him and and tired to go up stairs but I was stopped by Nash.

Hey chance can I talk to you for a sec! Yea what is it. I said walking back down the stairs. Ok so you know when me and Alana went on that picnic. He said trying to hide a smile. Yea. I said in a confused voice. We'll guess who isn't a Virgin anymore. I looked at him in a I don't know face. So that's why she rushed out the house in her bra and panties. I asked him. Yea, but I guess she probably had to go to work or something. Ok ok you little nashty boy. I said hitting his arm. Oh yea chance another thing, when are you gonna have the baby. Maybe at the end of next month or in two months. I told him. Oh ok, well you go rest you fat ass. Shut your stank ass mouth I'm only fat cause.... Why do I need to explain to you, you should already know.

I went up stairs and just laid under the covers and turned on the tv and watched my favorite shows.

Minutes later cam comes home with my stuff. He got under the covers with me and i guess he got him something too cause he was eating the same thing.

We watched tv that whole day and just laughed at stuff.

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