Chapter nine

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It was early in the morning when I had to wake cameron up cause I wanna be the first one at the doctors office, so I'll say that we woke up at 7 a.m in the morning. Cameron's not used to waking up in the morning. But we woke up at that time and we ate and got dressed. Cameron had on these grey jogging pants and a white shirt and some white shoes. Since I had to get a alter sound I didn't really know what to put on cause I can't fit half of my clothes anymore. So I found this grey maxi skirt and a white tank top with my other white sandals. Me and cam was matching kinda. We drove in Cameron's car cause my car is like to fast. We was the first ones there so they just asked what I needed and I said that I needed a alter sound. They looked me up cause I had an appointment anyways. Me and cameron went to the back and into this small room that I had to get checked out first. I got checked and I was all perfect and ready to go and my little baby if it's Cameron's little girl or little boy. We went into the room that which was kinda cold. I layed down on the table that had the paper going across it, he put the blue cold gel on my stomach. He moved the little thing around my stomach and he found the heart beat me and cam was so happy. As we was still waiting on the gender of the baby he finally said can you see that, I just said no he said congratulation you two will be having a girl. I was so happy that I'm having a girl. Cameron was just smiling and me and him was filled with joy. He gave use the picture of our baby girl. We left the doctors office and I had told cameron that we need to go and find stuff but first I needed to go home and get some money. We went home and got some money and left. We went every wear to find stuff we went to target the baby store and etc. as we got everything we needed I was going to have to find. Stop to put the baby stuff up till she come. Me and cam has been out since thus morning so he told me that we are going out to eat. And cam took me to this place that I really liked. We ate and went home. It was late at night we grabbed all the stuff and cam told me that he's going to sleep at his place and catch up with the boys is which I didn't mind at all. He put the baby stuff up in a Conner of the house and grabbed his clothes and gave me a kiss on the lips and touched my stomach saying bye. I closed the door behind him and went up stairs to take a shower. When I got out the shower I got a text from cameron saying "I'll be there at 9 in the morning and we will go shopping again and then I'll take u somewhere special love u" I texted back saying "ok I will and love u too". I put on my pjs and turned on the tv and watched it a little then went to sleep.

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