It All Started at a Meet & Greet ...

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So, this is the first story i have ever wrote. It's wrote in second person and also the dialoge is wrote like a script. I have no idea why i started writing it this way, but just to clarify, this is not how i intend to write any other stories i may write (That includes the sequal). Please note, that there are flaws in my story, just like any other, but bare with me because I'm going to go over the whole thing and re-edit once i have finished the last two chapters. As i go over and change bits, I'm going to change the dialogue (:) to speech marks (" "). If you do spot any flaws, please comment and i can add it to my "re-editing list" haha. Obviously though, none of the plot is going to be change, just a few minor facts etc etc.

Anyway, for anyone who has just stumbled across my story, it is basically a fiction story about Justin Bieber. I've tried to make it as realistic as possible. I mean, I've never met Justin, so its took a lot of improvisation. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it as much as i have writing it. Thankyou! =)

Chapter 1

Your name is Tansy ..... You are in your room sorting yourself out and trying to look decent. Your little sister, Kate walks in, shes 2 years younger than you and you get on pretty well.

Kate: Are you ready yet? You know i love you an all, but please shift your butt and get a move on!

You: Chillax, hes just a guy.

Kate: Just a guy? Have you heard him sing?

You: Of course i have. Right im ready.

You and kate head towards the stairs, kate pratically runs down them, missing a few steps almost tripping up and landing flat on her face at the bottom.

Mom: Right are you girls ready? Tansy have you got everything? You sure your gonna be alright?

You: Yeh yeh, im all set. Oh dont forget his poster kate, or your dream guy wont be able to sign it.

All 3 of you dash to the car. You are 16 and are working at your uncles radio station called Meteor 106 Fm. You had finished school and decided to start earnin some money. Since you work there you managed to get your hands on a free pair of Justin Bieber meet and greet tickets, only for your sisters benefit mostly, but you did think it would be pretty cool to check it out. So you decided to take your sister. Your mum is dropping you off there. The traffic was unbeileveable on the way. Your mum had to drop you off 4 streets away because of traffic, to which you had to pelt it, you were already late, the greeting started 30 minutes ago. Your run along, already out of breath

Kate: Ohh were so.. late! do you think they will let us in?

You: I dont see why not we got tickets.

You both get to the store, crowded with screaming fans and walk up to a security guard to show him your tickets.

You: So sorry were late traffic was terrible.

Security guard: No worries, you might be one of the last ones here, but you aint the only ones late! Kate: Omg i see him, there he is! can you see him Tansy look!

You: Yeh yeh, come on, lets go in.

You both walk in and join the long queue of giggling girls.

Kate: God im sooo excited, but i promise i wont freak out.

You: Its alright.

You look around and spot him standing in front of a billboard of himself, cameras flashing in his direction constantly and he, himself smiling down at two little girls about aged 6. You think *whoa, he looks ... quite .. stunning*. He turned and fully faced your direction, put his arms round the two girls and had a picture taken.

You: Ohh look kate, you get to have your picture taken with him.

Kate: Ohh i know, so cool, look at him putting his arm around those girls, i hope he does that to me!

You finally get to the front of the que. Your one of the last people left apart from a group of girls behind. Your heart starts pumping a bit faster. Your actually about to meet Justin Bieber and whats more he looks a hell of alot more georgous from close up. Although your not his biggest fan, you like his music and the fact he seems so grateful. You stare at him and see the enjoyment on his face, that he is loving every minute.

Kate: Omg! We're about to meet him ahhhh.

You snap out of your stare as Justin looks your way and calls you forward.

It All Started at a Meet & Greet ... (for Justin Bieber Fans Mainly)Where stories live. Discover now