Draco Malfoy | 12

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He couldn't move. He felt trapped inside his own body. He tried desperately but his limbs didn't obey his brain's very clear orders. He struggled against his invisible bonds to no avail.

The cloaked figure laughed menacingly. Harry couldn't make their face nor could he recognise the voice, which was something that made them even more terrifying. Then, there was that soft whimper that made him push himself harder. Harry clenched his teeth.

"It's over!" the figure said, raising their wand. "You've failed, Potter. Though this time, you won't have another chance of trying again."

Harry wanted to scream but no voice came through his mouth. His eyes followed the direction of the wand and they widened in fear.

"Harry... please, help me," she begged again and again, shattering his heart into a million pieces. He couldn't, he was so weak, so powerless, so useless-

"Avada Kedavra!"

Harry woke up from his slumber in a cold sweat. He looked around frantically only to realize that he was in his bedroom at Groove street and nowhere near the situation his nightmare presented. He was there and Ginny was safe and sound. Still, it took him some time to calm down. It had been such a realistic dream but it wasn't anything he wasn't used to. He let out a heavy sigh. His eyes landed on the window; it was late afternoon. Athena should have returned by now. Throwing his sheets aside, he went to the bathroom and changed from his pajamas to more casual clothes. Then, he headed downstairs.

Yesterday's fiasco had already been forgotten, as it seemed. The young man they had arrested had been set free since Ginny decided not to move legally against him and the charges were dropped. It was an individual event that had nothing to do with the general situation. He wasn't too worried about it. His brain though was a totally different story, as his dreams proved.

He had predicted correctly. Athena had indeed returned and stood by the window. She didn't even turn to look at him when he came down the stairs.

"Glad to see you too," Harry grumbled as he made his way over the kitchen to make himself some coffee.

"Forgot to mention something yesterday." Athena ignored his comment. "Robards said he'd give us this weekend off."

"That's great."

"Your enthusiasm is overwhelming."

"I just woke up. Give me a break." He rolled his eyes.

Athena eyed him carefully. "Are you alright? You're more grumpy than usual."

"I'm fine." Harry wasn't in the mood for chit chatting nor pouring his heart at her. He didn't want to talk about the dream under no circumstances. Eventually and much to his pleasure, Athena left him alone with his thoughts.

A weekend off. This was a great opportunity to catch up with Ron. He noted silently to send his best friend an owl once he returned to Grimmauld Place.

The night proceeded quietly. Harry spent it looking through the window like usual, pondering. Undeniably, there was something off about this case. Who would want to hurt Ginny and why? So far, all the attempts hadn't been really successful but it seemed like they weren't meant to be in the first place. It felt like they were mere warnings to what would come. But it didn't make any sense. Ginny was just a quidditch player, why would anyone try to harm her? There were no politics involved, that was for sure, unless this was some sort of revenge? He couldn't tell, he didn't know what Ginny was up to at "Hogwarts" while he was away with Ron and Hermione. Although, the Currows were in Azkaban alongside most of the Death Eaters. So what was the motive?

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