Deals Under the Stars | 27

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"Stay still," Ginny instructed.

Harry did as he was told while Ginny wiped the blood off his face. They had managed to return to the Burrow safe and sound, thanks to Ginny's quick decision making. If it hadn't been for her, he would have been off with far worse than just a swollen lip and a bruise under his left eye. Ginny tended to his wounds, applying a special kind of ointment that her mother owned, which would help with the bruise. She cleaned his face and offered him some packed ice wrapped in a piece of cloth.

"Thanks," Harry mumbled as he pressed it against his swollen lip. The icy touch somehow made the pain temporarily fade away. He made sure to avoid Ginny's stare at any cost.

"You're welcome," she said, putting the ointment away. "How are you feeling? Do you feel dizzy?"

"Not anymore, no," Harry responded.

"What is it nine times seven?"

"Sixty three."

"Five times eight?"


"Six times twelve?"

"Seventy two."

Ginny sighed in relief. "Alright, it seems you have avoided the concussion, although I would advise you to pay St. Mungos a visit."

Harry nodded. "Thanks."

He wasn't that surprised that Ginny was familiar with first aid. She was a quidditch player after all, it was probably mandatory that they all knew the basics. It was awkward having her take care of him, but at the same time extraordinarily endearing. He didn't imagine that she would care if he got injured on duty. But attacking that protestor was a little bit too much. It wouldn't look good for her. He wondered briefly if she cared about that.

The front door opened and Mrs Weasley with Athena emerged in, with Molly visibly concerned. Athena stared at Harry's wounds. "What happened?" she demanded to know.

"Some protestors ambushed him," Ginny explained.

Athena's expression darkened, but before she could say anything else on the matter, Mrs Weasley crossed the kitchen and hugged Harry tightly, as if her own son had been hurt. "Merlin's beard! Are you okay, Harry?"

Harry returned the embrace. "I'm okay now, Mrs Weasley," he assured her, gazing towards Ginny over her mother's shoulder. Molly held him for a few moments before she let him go.

"Why did they ambush you, Harry?" Athena asked.

"I suppose it's related to everything Dark Owl has been saying about me." He paused. "They believe I'm responsible for the deaths of their loved ones."

Mrs Weasley gasped. "That's insane!"

"No, Harry. They were convinced it was your fault," Ginny corrected him.

"Seconded," Athena agreed. "You must report this, Harry."

Harry shook his head. "There's no need for that. It... It wasn't their fault."

"Harry, you are a Ministry official. People can't just walk up to you and beat you up!" She argued, anger flashing in her eyes.

"They didn't commit a felony," Harry shot back. "It was just a misdemeanour."

Athena seemed to want to say something else, but she held her tongue. Finally, she exhaled in defeat. "Fine. As you wish."

"Besides, there are more serious things to worry about," Harry continued, facing Ginny. "You might get sued for what you did."

Ginny didn't look worried in the slightest. "I wasn't just going to sit back and watch them beat you up," she responded calmly.

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