Dudley Dursley | 7

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The very first thing Harry did the next morning was head straight at the Ministry, leaving Athena alone for a while. He wasn't too worried, as he knew very well she was more than just capable of handling herself. If anything happened, he was certain she would be able to deal with it until he returned. Besides, this wasn't going to take long, hopefully.

Robards was slightly surprised to see him back at the Auror Headquarters, but his surprise quickly shifted to concern when Harry explained the situation to him. The Head Auror called a Curse Breaker to examine the owl mask before they would be able to take a better look at it. Meanwhile, he interrogated Harry in his office.

"Are you sure you didn't see anyone?" Robards asked for the millionth time, much to Harry's annoyance.

"No, sir." Harry shook his hand. "Neither did I hear any apparition sounds. I only had to use the restroom for a moment. Do you think that gave enough time for the mask to be delivered?"

"Maybe so." Robards admitted, crossing his arms. "But still, I doubt this was enough time to place the mask without being noticed by anyone, wizards or non-wizards. Something's off.
Don't beat yourself about it, Potter."

"That means only one thing," Harry said. "Someone must be spying on us. I don't have any other explanation."

"You might be right." Robards hummed. "But on the bright side, this mask could potentially be a clue. I hate to admit it, but the investigation isn't going too well. This could be a breakthrough."

Harry frowned. The fact that the investigation didn't proceed was a problem. It gave the criminals behind this more space to move. "Perhaps," he responded eventually.

Robards remained silent for a little bit, obviously troubled. He suddenly picked his wand and aimed it at the door. "Muffliato," he said quietly, before turning his attention back to Harry. "Can I confess something to you, Harry?"

The younger man nodded. "Of course, sir."

Robards leaned forward, resting his arms on his desk. "I believe there might be a fraud in the investigation crew."

Harry raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think that?" he asked.

"The fact that the investigation has no progress itself. And the fact that some clues have gone missing, even so discreetly. It could explain why our opponents knew that Ms Weasley is under yours and Ms Wilson's protection."

"You have a point, sir," Harry admitted. "But who could it be?"

"Literally anyone." Robards sighed in frustration. "If someone is under the Imperius Curse, it's impossible to tell." He ran a hand through his grey hair. "We've been sabotaged, as it seems."

"What are we going to do about it?" Harry inquired.

"I would like to ask your opinion on that matter, actually," Robards admitted.

Harry was caught off guard. "You want my advice?"

"Why, yes, of course. I value your opinion, Mr Potter. If I learned anything all these years as Head Auror is to listen to your sarbonites. It always gives you some perspective."

»At the moment, I have two options; I could step in and try to boost the investigation, although this could cause an instant reaction from our opponents. Or I could continue to act like I haven't suspected anything and let the fraud do their work while I try to unveil them, although this is still going to be just as hard and could potentially put Ms Weasley's life in danger."

Harry weighed the pros and cons of each option before speaking. "I'd say neither."

Robards leaned back on his chair. "Indulge me, Potter."

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