A date gone wrong | 11

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Another exhausting day in practice, another day Ginny just wanted to go home and crush. She felt every muscle of her body itching and even her fingers felt numb. She was both physically and mentally tired.

"So you just had another fight again?" Caroline asked quietly.

Practice had just finished and they were packing their stuff to leave. Ginny had informed her best friend about last night's events but she still felt the weight onto her chest.

"It seems like fighting is on our daily schedule," Ginny growled in frustration. "It's like everything annoys him and he just bursts out."

Caroline frowned. "Have you tried talking to him about this?"

"As you can see, it has been a total success," the redhead said sarcastically.

The blonde shook her head. "What's wrong with him?"

"I wish I knew." Ginny sighed as she picked up her bag. "He claims that his job is stressing him out but I have trouble believing him. Dad worked at the Ministry too but he never, ever snapped at mum, not like Dean does."

The two women walked together through the corridor and towards the exit of the quidditch pitch, discussing quietly.

"Do you think it's because of your little situation here?" Caroline asked in a whisper.

Ginny shook her head. "It was happening before we got the Aurors at our doorstep, but I guess you've got a point. It's been happening a lot more lately."

"Do you think that... he feels threatened? By... you know..."

"That's absurd. Why would Dean feel threatened by Harry?" Ginny inquired angrily. "I'm his fiance. Doesn't he trust me?"

"I don't know. Men faction really strangely sometimes. That's why I choose to stay single!" Caroline exclaimed, receiving a laugh from her friend.

"Yeah, until you find your Prince Charming," Ginny teased.

"Yep, just like how you found yours."

The redhead wasn't sure if her friend was being genuine or sarcastic. She raised an eyebrow but didn't push it further. The two quidditch players walked outside the stadium together, only to meet Auror Wilson waiting for Ginny outside.

"I want to walk a little bit with you. I hope that's alright," said Caroline, eyeing warily the Auror.

"Don't worry, it should be fine," Ginny assured her and she was right, for the other woman didn't say anything as the three of them proceeded together.

"So I suppose you haven't talked about the wedding yet." It wasn't a question, it was more of an observation.

Ginny sighed. "Not really."

"Gosh Gin, have you ever talked about this since you got engaged? Be real with me," Caroline demanded.

Ginny avoided her gaze.

"Jeez. If I didn't know any better, I'd say you guys don't want to get married."

Ginny snapped her head at her. "How can you say that?"

Caroline rolled her eyes. "Seriously Ginny? You have been engaged for nine months now, haven't talked about your own bloody wedding and all you do is fight. Sorry, I thought this wasn't obvious enough," she snarled.

She was right even though Ginny didn't want to admit it out loud. Her silence alerted Caroline who suddenly grabbed her hand, coming to a halt.

"Ginny." Her voice came out soft. "Look at me." The redhead had to oblige at her friend's command. "I want you to look into my eyes and tell me the truth. Do you want to marry Dean?"

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