Responsibilities | 30

396 7 13

The Healers at St. Mungos did not find an adequate reason to hospitalize her, although they did offer Athena medicine to prevent infection or other side-effects from the dog bite. She was asked to visit the hospital again in two weeks for a check-up. Athena found their request reasonable, and with the pill prescription at hand, she exited the infirmary. Charlie was waiting outside, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He approached her when he noticed her coming out from that room.

"So?" he asked.

Athena weaved the prescription. "I'm fine. I'll be on medicine for a couple of days, and I have to check in in two weeks."

"That's good." Charlie nodded.

"God bless the First Aid course in Auror Training," she said. "Come on. Let's go home."

They walked together through the corridors of St. Mungos and all the way down to the ground floor, leaving behind the 'Dangerous' Dai Llewellyn Ward. She secretly found it sweet that he had come with her, but then she mentally slapped herself, recalling what they had agreed on just before the assault. Conceal, don't feel. These were not thoughts friends had for each other. They exited the hospital and found themselves in the busy streets of London. Athena motioned at Charlie to follow her to a safe spot to apparate back to the Burrow.

As they crossed the yard, Athena noticed the blood stains on the snow, her own blood, realizing how gruesome this situation was for everyone involved. For her, it was just another day in life, but for the Weasley's, this was a severe disturbance in their domestic life. She grimaced. When they entered the kitchen, Harry and Ron were discussing quietly. Her partner was also holding a piece of parchment in his hand, making her wonder what it was. Molly cooked in silence, probably too shocked to say anything on the matter. Ginny was nowhere to be found. At the sound of their footsteps, Harry raised his gaze and their eyes met. Instantly, he stood up.

"Are you okay?" he asked, worried. Athena really appreciated his concern.

"I'm fine," she reassured him. "What's that?" she added, pointing at the parchment Harry held.

"Oh, that. It's from Robards. He wants a meeting with all three of us," Harry explained, pointing at himself, Athena and Ron.


"Right now."

"Well, then, we should get going," Athena said.

"Wait, are you guys going to leave the Burrow unprotected after what just happened?" Charlie asked. It was a very legitimate question and he had every right to be worried.

"We will be replaced temporarily for the half an hour we will be gone," Ron assured him. "Don't worry. Do you think our boss didn't think this through?"

"It's not like our presence made a difference anyway," Athena whispered to herself, but not low enough to not be heard, bringing an awkward silence among them. Indeed, from outside, two new figures appear, watching the perimeter around the Burrow's yard. This was their cue to leave.

"Right. We should get going. The sooner we leave, the sooner we'll be back," said Harry and Athena and Ron nodded in agreement.

Moments later, the three aurors disappeared in green flames inside the Burrow's fireplace as Charlie watched them ago. They stepped in the Atrium one after another and marched their way to the elevator. The Ministry was practically empty, since it was the second day of Christmas and everyone was on leave. There was only the regular security guard at the visitor's entrance and Athena imagined the rest of the building was also empty. It was one of the rare times when there wasn't a queue at the elevators. Before they knew it, they were walking through the Department of Magical Law Enforcement and from there, straight through the Auror Department. it had been a while since they had last been there, at least for Harry and Athena. Athena admitted that she had missed her office. They passed by their cubicles and headed straight to Robards' office. There were only a few people working on that day, including their colleagues that were currently replacing them as Ginny's bodyguards back at the Burrow. Even Robards' secretary was absent. Athena quickly knocked on the door and opened it when a tired voice invited them in.

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