Clouds | 23

369 13 9

The effects of apparition was something Harry would never get used to. As fast as apparition was, it made him suffocate. He always needed to take a moment to recollect himself before he moved on. Harry inhaled sharply as the dark form of the Burrow towered before his eyes under the night sky. Their arrival hadn't gone unnoticed. As soon as they crossed the yard, Molly Weasley appeared on the doorstep to welcome them in. Instinctively she embraced Ginny before the young woman had a chance of explaining the situation. Her letter had been very brief and didn't give out a lot of details, but that was probably the least of her mother's concern, whose priority was to make sure her daughter was alright.

Athena placed her luggage near the doorway and motioned at Harry to follow her. "Come on. We got work to do," she said. Harry nodded and grabbed his wand.

Putting it up wards was a meticulous and demanding process. One wrong flick of their wand and the spell would fail completely. Harry and Athena surrounded the Burrow with careful steps, remaining concentrated into putting up the necessary words and other safety spells, similar to those Hermione had used during the Hoxcrux hunt all those years ago. Once they were done, they put their wands away.

"I think these will suffice," Athena mused.

"I haven't seen so many wards around the Burrow since the war," Harry observed. "At least we know it's safe here."

"For now. Let's hope Dark Owl and his minions won't find a way to infiltrate the perimeter."

The two aurors headed back, only to find their luggage missing. Athena furrowed her brows.

"Mrs Weasley probably took them inside," said Harry.

Athena shifted her weight from one leg to another. "I don't know, Harry. I feel like we're invading their privacy, although our protocol clearly states that-"

"It's going to be alright," Harry assured. "I'm pretty sure Molly won't mind, given the circumstances. After all, we're already too involved in Ginny's personal life one way or another. This is not going to change much."

Athena gazed at the house. "I still don't feel comfortable with the idea of imposing my presence."

"If Molly allows you to sleep in the garden, do let me know," Harry snorted before knocking on the door again.

"Oh, there you are!" Mrs Weasley exclaimed when she answered it. "Come in. It's cold outside. Harry, I took your luggage up to Ron's room. And Ms Wilson, you'll find your stuff in Charlie's room."

"Mrs Weasley, I really don't think we should-" Athena started but was abruptly interrupted by Molly.

"Nonsense, dear. That's the least I can do to thank you for keeping my daughter safe. Now, wash your hands and sit. Dinner is almost ready."

Athena looked astonished and Harry gave her a "I told you so" look before heading to the sink to clean his hands while Mrs Weasley made last minute preparations, waving her wand with unmatched maestry. Ginny finally made an appearance after settling down back in her old bedroom.

"Do you want help, mum?" She asked Molly, noticing a knife cutting slices of bread on its own.

Molly beamed at her. "I got everything covered, dear. Take a seat."

"What about dad?" Ginny asked as she sat down across Harry.

Mrs Weasley checked her clock. "He's late today," she admitted. "But he should be here any minute now, I hope."

Nevertheless, Arthur Weasley arrived home only after Molly had served dinner. He was flustered and looked tired, his glasses almost slipping off his nose, but he didn't forget to kiss his wife's cheek, hug his daughter and greet kindly the two aurors before sitting on the table.

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