Hello, neighbor | 3

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Harry and Athena spent the next hour tidying their stuff. Thankfully, the house acquired two separate bedrooms that were located on the second floor alongside with the bathroom, and it wouldn't become any more awkward between them than it already was. They placed their auror equipment as well, equipment that was similar to what the fake Mad-eye Moody had brought to "Hogwarts" during Harry's fourth year. He remembered vividly how impressed his fourteen year-old self had been back in the day.

They found themselves drinking tea that Harry had prepared at the small yet comfortable kitchen. It wasn't anything special but it was spacious enough for the two of them. They also had full view around the house as there were no walls between the living room and the kitchen. The only thing that separated the two rooms was a counter. There was one window above the sink that gave vision to the road in front of the house. Harry slightly liked the place. It was definitely better than the dark and dusty Grimmauld Place.

"How's your room? Did you settle down?" Harry asked in an attempt to sparkle a conversation.

Athena shrugged her shoulders. "It's fine. What time is it?"

Harry checked on his watch. "Eight thirty."

Athena peeked over the window. "I should get ready. Weasley will be leaving for practice soon and I need to go to 'work'. And thanks for the tea, by the way," she added.

"No problem."

Athena stood up and placed her cup on the counter. "You should get some sleep if you're willing to stay up at night," she advised.

"I'll try." Harry nodded.

"Good." She grabbed her wand and wore her coat. She didn't leave immediately though. She waited near the window, probably for Ginny to show up. Harry inwardly peeked over the kitchen's window to see her coming. There she was; She had just stepped out of her house with a sports bag hanging over her shoulder and now she was walking down the street, her fiercy red hair weaving. Harry's heart skipped a beat. She was probably more beautiful than he had ever remembered her be. He kept gazing at her mesmerized until she turned on the corner of the street, probably searching for a spot to apparate.

"Alright, I think that's my cue to go," Athena spoke, mostly to herself. "I'll see you later Harry."

"Later, Athena," Harry responded. He had already finished his tea and now occupied himself by washing the cups.
The slam of the door indicated that he was left completely alone in the house. He let out a sigh. Now that she was gone, he didn't have much to do except following her advice and taking a nap. He wasn't even close to being sleepy but he had to try, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stay up during the night. He wiped his hands and went over the living room, throwing himself onto the couch. He examined the television that was placed exactly opposite him. He couldn't remember when was the last time he watched TV and now it was a good opportunity to do so. It could probably make him sleepy too. He grabbed the remote control and started going through the channels.

Another hour passed in the most boring way possible. Harry had settled in a morning show and he slowly felt himself falling into a nap. His eye lashes felt heavier and heavier the more he watched. Soon, he'd fallen asleep with the TV keep playing in front of his asleep figure. That was before the front bell rang.

Harry jumped. For a brief moment he panicked but then he reasoned with himself that there was nothing to worry about. With a flick of his wand, all the auror equipment disappeared. He hid his wand and then went over to answer the door. He found an old woman woman holding a trace filled with cookies, smiling up at him.

"Hello, neighbor," she managed to croak out. "I brought those-" she motioned at the cookies. "-as a welcoming gift."

Harry put on a huge smile. "But you shouldn't have! Here, let me take this."

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