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The last days of April were warm and sunny, unlike the previous weeks during which rain and fog prevailed. Spring showed its bright colours just in time for Teddy Lupin’s seventh birthday. With the ground finally free of mud and moisture, the Burrow’s yard was the ideal place for a feast in the boy’s name. A banner and colourful balloons were already set up all around the temporarily gnome-free garden. The kitchen door opened and an orchestra of voices came from inside. Harry stood on the threshold for a moment, letting the spring air caress his face and the smell of the flowers fill his nostrils before he turned back inside. “Athena, can you give me a hand?”

Harry was startled by a clank and almost jumped away from the metal arm that landed near his feet. He stared at it for a moment before he looked up at the woman in question, who looked back at him as if challenging him. They remained speechless a good few moments before Harry shook his head, sighing in exasperation. “I can’t deal with you anymore,” he proclaimed. 

Athena smirked. “Well, not my fault you can’t appreciate my sense of humor,” she said before picking up the metal arm and putting it back in its place as if it was nothing. She rolled her right shoulder a few times to adjust it better. “What do you need help with?”

“I was going to ask you to help me set the table outside, but you are too busy throwing your arm around like a punchline.” Harry rolled his eyes.

“Fortunately, I got two arms,” she responded, grabbing her wand. “Let’s go.”

The two of them conjured a long table to fit everyone and the chairs. Athena managed to conjure a fancy table cloth as well to match the vibe of the birthday party before Mrs Weasley walked outside.

“Oh, you guys got the table. Lovely.” Molly waved her wand and plates flew out of the kitchen before landing gracefully on the table. “Harry, please be a darling and get the forks, I'll get everyone else. Dinner is ready.”

Indeed, everyone started coming out of the house, with Teddy leading the group. He cried out in excitement at the balloons and gave his approval on the table cloth. Harry beamed at the boy, and his smile grew even bigger when Ginny appeared, holding their seven-month-old son in her arms. At the sight of his father, James Sirius wiggled in his mother’s arms and reached for Harry, who gladly picked him up from Ginny and kissed his cheek. 

"I'm starting to think you enchant those poor children, there's no way they're so in love with you," Ginny teased.

"Oh no, just natural charisma." Harry smirked. Ginny leaned in to give him a kiss, her engagement ring glistering under the sun. 

"If you two continue to be so gross, I think I'm going to vomit," Harry heard Ron say behind him, although it was clear he was beaming. 

"Ron, leave them alone," Hermione scolded him. "They're getting married. What are you going to do at the wedding?"

"I honestly didn't think of that, if I'm honest."

"Yeah, wouldn't be the first time," Athena commented as she took her seat next to Charlie. It was strange and endearing watching those two, Harry thought. Charlie on his part smiled as his brother and girlfriend continued to blunter, although it was clear that Athena’s intentions were anything but malicious. In the months that had passed, Harry had watched her let loose a lot more often than she used to, which was a pleasant change. Watching her tease Ron was a sight he'd never thought he would witness. 

When the entire family from the oldest to the youngest finally gathered, Molly served the food. Half way through, however, Ron stood up with his glass, asking for their full attention. 

"I have something important to say."

"You and Hermione are getting married? Yeah, we knew that," George responded. 

Ron's ears turned red. "That's not what… Well, I was gonna mention that afterwards, but uh… Actually, I'd like to make a toast."

Harry raised his eyebrows, finally realizing what this was about. He and Athena shared a look with Arthur. Inevitably, they knew before anyone else at the table, but they couldn't help it. It was impossible not to find out when they spent so many hours at the Ministry. 

"As some of you might know," Ron started, giving his father and his friends a knowing look. "Recently, Hermione's house elf anti-slavery law has been pushed forward to be approved by the Wizengamot."

The announcement elicited a round of applause from the rest of the family, making Hermione blush a deep shade of red. 

"I could not have been more proud," Ron continued. "Of the woman who I'm going to be wedded to, as George pointed out, so thanks for ruining the surprise, brother."

"Oh come on, it's not like it was some kind of deep secret anyway," George shrugged. 

"Well then." Arthur raised his glass. "To Teddy and Hermione!"

"To Teddy and Hermione!"

Harry's heart soared with joy as he looked around his family, his home. His hand found Ginny’s and gave it a light squeeze, which she returned. At this moment, he knew this was exactly what he had fought for. Of course, there were still many battles like the one Hermione had been fighting for years to be fought if they wanted to make the Wizarding World a better place, but that didn’t mean they couldn't enjoy the victories as well. At that moment, Harry felt hopeful and definitely the happiest he'd ever been. 

All was well.

The end.


A/N: So this is it, folks! This has been an incredible journey. When I first started rewriting "Need Protection?" it seemed like a very far fetched goal to finish the same story twice, but here we are. A big thanks to everyone who read this story, left a vote or a comment, it helped me massively stay motivated throughout this journey. I hope you enjoy the rest of your holidays and have a happy new year.

Stay safe out there!


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