Collision | 20

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To say that Gwenog Jones was enraged by the fact that her pitch had been broken into for a second time would be an understatement. Their training had to be interrupted once again in order for the pitch to get cleaned and for the Department Of Magical Law Enforcement to investigate the scene and make sure it was safe for the players and the rest of the stuff. It turned out that this incident hadn't just happened to the Holyhead Harpies, but to several other teams as well, like the Ballycastle Bats, the Caerphilly Catapults, the Montrose Magpies and the Tutshill Tornados. Gwenog, alongside the other captains, sent an official letter to the Department of Magical Games and Sports, demanding more security in quidditch stadiums. It was unacceptable that anyone could just break in a pitch and do what they desired. This was potentially dangerous not only for the teams and the players, but also for civilians.

Harry was just glad they had only thrown around some leaflets instead of causing damage or trying to curse one of the bludgers again. That would be so disastrous. He was aware, of course, that Dark Owl was capable of so much more, as he had proven in the recent past. That was why he was always on the alert. His senses were tingling. This was only the beginning of Dark Owl's schemes.

Ginny seemed just as worried as he was. Although the attack wasn't personal this time, she was still unsettled, as she had confessed to him. And she wasn't the only one. The rest of the team had voiced their concerns to Gwenog Jones, who had done her best to calm them down. Harry understood that.

"It's not even about us anymore. Civilians could get hurt if these people decide to storm the pitch during the next game," Ginny told Harry as they went to practice together two days after the incident.

"You're right," Harry agreed. "It's so frustrating. There are no leads that point to who did it or how they did it, as far as I'm concerned. It doesn't make sense."

"You know, some people have already started talking about canceling the championship until this is resolved," said Ginny. "But I doubt the Ministry will get that far."

"Probably not. They will seek a more permanent solution," Harry hummed.

It was surprisingly how easy conversation between them had become. It was like they had crossed a bridge and now they were on the same page. Harry was still heartbroken, but he found that maintaining this friendly relationship with Ginny was actually good for him. He preferred this over her ignoring him entirely. Plus, Ginny herself didn't seem to have an issue with it at all. If anything, she was the one to initially spark conversation between them, like old friends who were just catching up. It almost felt like the good old days, although both of them realized that nothing would be like it used to be before. Harry was glad that they were both being adults about it and they were able to look over their past differences and have at least a very typical relationship.

"You know, I'm starting to think that the same person who cursed that bludger also helped these guys get into the pitch to spread the leaflets," Ginny said. "Coincidences don't occur often."

"You're probably right, but there's no supporting evidence of that," Harry informed her. "There are no suspects either. The janitors of the stadium all had alibis in both cases."

Ginny groaned. "This is all too confusing. I hope this is over soon."

Harry agreed with her. He was tired of constantly dealing with perplexing situations like this. It was remarkable how even after Voldemort's defeat, he hadn't found the peace he was looking for. Every once in a while, something would happen. The Magical World was full of surprises, pleasant and unpleasant.

That day during practice, Harry decided to have a look around the pitch. Of course, he didn't hope to find anything more than his colleagues had, but he needed to be sure. In the meantime, he could hear Gwenog Jones' loud voice that echoed across the stadium, shouting at the girls that flew around on their brooms.

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