"i won't let you go don't worry, is sammy there..?" jimin whispered, he felt jungkook nod. he didn't ask more questions since he wanted to make the voice inside of jungkook's head silent, so the things he was able to do was to just comfort him and be there for him, and that's exactly what he was about to do.
after minutes, jungkook slowly started pulling away as he kept his eyesight on his lap, feeling too vulnerable to look at jimin.

he wanted to look into jungkook's eyes so he placed his hands under jungkook's chin, lifting his head up gently. jimin wiped jungkook's silent tears and smiled comfortingly.

"it's gonna be alright.. i'll be with you to suffer through your storms"

jungkook felt those comforting words in his heart, jimin's loving eyes, his soft voice and his actions truly made jungkook feel like everything were gonna be alright eventually but it also made him scared. how could he after all the things he went through, to let someone in his life again?

"t-thanks jimin... i really uhm.. appreciate you.." jungkook stuttered as he tried his hardest to give a smile to jimin who was smiling softly.

"and i will talk to junghyun..he's the only family i have.." jungkook managed to give a small smile, jimin's whole presence lighted up jungkook's mind, eased the pressure on his chest so he felt much more calmer now.

"that sounds good" jimin said, pulling jungkook back in his arms who just looked way too cuddleable, his tear stained puffy face and his swollen lips, his glowing eyes, all that beauty made jimin's heart pound a little bit more faster.

jungkook didn't complain either, he enjoyed being hugged by jimin, he very obediently let himself to be pulled against him and be held by him again. it was calming, his back was against jimin's chest - listening to his heartbeat as jimin's hands were laying on jungkook's stomach. they stayed like that for a long time.
jimin placed his chin on jungkook's head, loving the scent of the boy. he sniffed just a little bit of his hair, noticing how jungkook moved and lifted his gaze up.

"d-did.. you just smell my hair..?"

"oh.. you smell so good" jimin chuckled, seeing how jungkook blushed as he turned his head away from jimin again.

"ah.. i just bought a new shampoo.. so maybe it's that.." he muttered and pulled away from the hug, now facing jimin again who chuckled at him, finding the boy adorable. the boys were so close to each other just staring into each other's eyes without saying any words. jungkook's heart was fluttering, he couldn't get his eyes off of jimin's breathtaking deep brown ones, his eyes were truly captivating.

jimin lowered his gaze to jungkook's lips and then brought it back to his eyes.
his heart was pounding probably even more than jungkook's and he wasn't even sure what was he doing, but he couldn't hold it back anymore and went for it.

he brought his face closer to jungkook's who was frozen in the spot, jimin's movements were making jungkook's heart go crazy. their lips were getting closer and closer until they felt each other's breaths against each others faces, their foreheads were pressed together until jimin couldn't control the lust anymore and smashed his plumped lips onto jungkook's.

jungkook's breath stopped.

jimin was kissing him passionately, placing his hands on jungkook's chin who was unable to move. he moved his lips just a little along jimin's, still not processing what was happening, he could feel jimin's soft lips on his, it was like a dream. jimin pulled away a little to whisper.

"breathe jungkook honey."

jungkook didn't even realize he was holding his breath, he let out the air he held in and smashed his lips back onto jimin's, wanting to feel the warmth again, the situation escalated quickly from crying to making out and neither one of them complained. they were too caught up in the moment, too caught up within each other to care about anything else.
jungkook was able to forget everything what was making him feel upset and just went with his feelings.

he never thought jimin would make him feel something pleasurable, he felt like he was important. he enjoyed jimin's hands going up and down on his
body, feeling all the parts of it. he loved when jimin looked into his eyes and was able to say what jungkook had on his mind, it made him feel safe. something that made his heart flutter was when jimin smiled, when he made him laugh and when jimin made his constant anxiety and pain disappear for awhile. at this moment he liked everything about jimin.

soon enough, jimin and jungkook stood up, lips being connected together as their hands were all around each other. they mindlessly walked into jungkook's bedroom, jimin topping the boy.

the situation getting the best of them.


edited and rewritten chapter^^

word count; 1410

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