thirty one - romance

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thirty-one: broken down and hungry (for your love)

The young vampire, perhaps around three hundred years old placed his feet one in front of the other to silently sway around the room, holding his lover in his arms. He wanted blood. He was tired, too tired to be dancing with his true love, too tired to be on one of his favourite kinds of dates, too tired to even place his hand on his boyfriend's face and kiss him into stopping dancing like he usually would do.

Gerard slumped into his boyfriend's arms, and sighed, his legs fatigued. He hadn't fed in around three weeks—about thrice as long as he'd ever gone without doing so—when he usually fed every other day.

"Oh, darling, not again!" Frank whimpered and let Gerard to the sofa in front of the fire. "When was the last time you fed?"

"Three weeks ago..." Gerard looked away, knowing his beloved's face would be wilted in disapproval.

"That's far too long, why did you do this?"

"I... I procrastinated."

"I'll ask you when you're sane. In the meantime, we need to feed you, and I have just the idea."


"Yeah," Frank's voice went a bit deeper and he chuckled under his breath. "You're going to really enjoy it."

Gerard shuddered at his boyfriend's voice. "Are you... are you going to make it enjoyable? You know I don't like drinking it like wine. It makes me sad."

"Oh, darling, this won't make you the slightest bit sad," Frank kissed Gerard and smiled, stroking his cheek. "I fed yesterday so the blood's all yours, darling. I'll be right back with it."

Gerard nodded and he couldn't help but smile as a little flame was lit within his stomach, one of hunger, but also one of need, of yearning, of lust. He bit his lip with his front teeth, not doing any damage yet. Yet. He'd bitten his lips raw before. But they always healed.

He listened to Frank get the blood they'd stored in the fridge. It smelt kind of old. It was. It was a few weeks old. Three weeks old. Gerard rolled his eyes at his own stupidity and sat up, curling his legs up to his chest and wrapping his thin arms around his legs. He bit his lip again.

Even the smell of old blood was one he loved. It didn't matter that he liked it warm. The cold made it taste more even. He listened to Frank glide over as well and felt his arms wrap around his waist. He shuddered as he felt a soft kiss on his neck, then one on his jaw, one on his cheek.

"Babe. I've got to feed before we—"

"I know. Just trust me," the older vampire whispered into his boyfriend's ear and felt him shiver against him. He was making this fun for both of them.

Frank reached to a side table next to the couch whose shiny polish was reflecting the dancing flames across from them. He picked up a glass of blood and put it in Gerard's hands.

"Babe, this isn't enough."

"I know darling. I know you don't like drinking out of glasses. But if you can get through this," he ran his hands down Gerard's sides and kissed his neck again. Gerard breathed in sharply. "If you can down that I have a surprise for you, alright?"

Gerard nodded and looked at Frank. He smiled weakly and reached a shaky hand up to his boyfriend's face, pulling it down to his and kissing him fully. "Okay babe, I'll do my best," he smiled and turned to the cold glass.

He didn't mind the cold. He didn't really feel it. But he did feel warmth and there was certainly a lack of that in this glass. But anyways, he brought it up to his lips and sniffed it. Yes, it was three weeks old. But it'd have to do. He tipped it back slowly and let the red liquid flow into his mouth past his lips, some of it catching on the sides, pooling, and then drooling lazily down his sallow cheeks in thin streaks.

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