fifteen - school grounds

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fifteen: filler fluff is fuckin fun

"I bet you're just aching to go back to high school, aren't you?" Frank asked with a smile, his legs dangling limply from the swing he was sitting on. 

"I fucking hate k through twelve schools," Gerard rolled his eyes. "I'm so glad I transferred the same year you did."

The summer sun lit up Frank's smile, making his eyes sparkle and his cheeks turn a pleasant pink. Gerard watched his short hair glimmer with the rays reflecting on it and smiled back, tucking his own hair behind his ear as he sat next to Frank on the swing one over from his. They'd both twisted the metal chains holding the swings up so they were facing, and occasionally, Frank would walk his swing over to Gerard's to peck his lips or whisper silly things into his ear, pretending they were incredibly significant every time he did so. 

"You're gorgeous when you do that, you know," Gerard giggled, and when Frank walked his swing over to Gerard's this time, the latter also did so, meeting the shorter one in the middle. He held onto one of Frank's swing's chains, and Frank reached out, grabbing the opposing one and keeping them stationary. 

"I am?"

"Fucking beautiful," Gerard whispered, and then leant in and pressed his lips to Frank's. Frank hummed and kissed back, lips lingering for a little bit and then pecking Gerard's cheek and jaw before drawing back. 

"Well, you're even more beautiful," Frank argued, and then let go of Gerard's swing, letting his twist awkwardly back into place for a few seconds before turning to Gerard again. 

"You're wrong," Gerard grinned, getting up and pulling Frank out of the swing. He let the swing hit Frank in the back of the knees gently, but neither of them noticed it because Gerard's hands were circling Frank's waist and pulling their lips together again. Frank's arms came to rest on Gerard's shoulders and pulled him closer, fingers tangling in his hair when Gerard's tongue and teeth got involved, supporting Frank's melting figure. 

"I love you," Frank whispered against Gerard's lips. 

"I love you too," Gerard mumbled, and then pulled his face away gently, admiring the way Frank's eyes seemed molten and smouldering in the soft impeccable sunlight. "Remember how last year... when we were seniors, I told you here for the first time?"

"Yeah, like... around this time too."

"We'd snuck off to my old school and..." Gerard grinned. "And we did the same things we did today."

"Yeah," Frank said, breathless and fluttery. "But the difference is that tonight, I'm gonna take you out to dinner, and last year, we just ate at your place with your mum and dad and Mikey."

"That wasn't too bad."

"No, it was great," Frank said, biting his lip. "God, I love you."

"I know," Gerard said and giggled when Frank pulled a face. "I love you too, baby."

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